Rock Cycle
Mechanical Weathering
Chemical Weathering
Science in General

What is the rock cycle?

The rock cycle is a continuous process where rocks are formed, broken down, and reformed into new rocks over time


What is mechanical weathering?

Mechanical weathering is the process where rocks are broken down into smaller pieces by physical forces like temperature changes, frost action, and plant roots.


What is chemical weathering?

Chemical weathering is the process where rocks are broken down and altered by chemical reactions with water, oxygen, acids, and other substances in the environment.


What is a stalactite? 

Stalactites are formations that hang from the ceiling of caves


What is the difference between a solid, liquid, and gas?

A solid has a fixed shape and volume, a liquid has a fixed volume but takes the shape of its container, and a gas has neither a fixed shape nor volume.


Can you name the three main types of rocks in the rock cycle?

The three main types of rocks are igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks.


What is frost action? 

Frost action occurs when water seeps into cracks in rocks, freezes, expands, and causes the rock to break apart.


How does water contribute to chemical weathering?

Water can dissolve minerals in rocks, leading to the breakdown and disintegration of rocks over time.


What is a stalagmite?

Stalagmites are formations that grow up from the cave floor.


What is photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to produce oxygen and glucose (sugar).


How are igneous rocks formed in the rock cycle?

 Igneous rocks are formed from the cooling and solidification of magma or lava.


Can you explain how plant roots contribute to mechanical weathering?

Plant roots grow into cracks in rocks and exert pressure as they expand, causing the rocks to break apart over time.


Can you explain how oxygen plays a role in chemical weathering?

Oxygen reacts with minerals in rocks, causing them to rust or oxidize, which weakens the rocks and makes them more susceptible to weathering.


What is a cave? 

A cave is a natural underground space that is typically formed in rock or soil and can be large or small in size.


What is the force that pulls objects toward the center of the Earth?



What are the processes involved in the formation of sedimentary rocks?

Sedimentary rocks are formed through the deposition, compaction, and cementation of sediments over time.


What role do temperature changes play in mechanical weathering?

Temperature changes cause rocks to expand and contract, leading to stress and eventual cracking and breaking down of rocks.


How do acids, such as carbonic acid from carbon dioxide, impact chemical weathering?

Acids can attack and dissolve minerals in rocks, particularly carbonate rocks like limestone, resulting in the formation of new minerals and the breakdown of rocks.


What is the name for people who enjoy exploring caves? 



Name the four states of matter...

Solid, liquid, gas, plasma


How do metamorphic rocks differ from igneous and sedimentary rocks in the rock cycle?

Metamorphic rocks are formed from the alteration of existing rocks due to heat, pressure, or chemical processes, without fully melting, unlike igneous rocks.


How does mechanical weathering differ from chemical weathering in terms of the processes involved and the end result?

Mechanical weathering breaks down rocks into smaller pieces through physical forces, while chemical weathering alters the composition of rocks through chemical reactions. While mechanical weathering results in physical changes to rocks, chemical weathering leads to changes in their chemical composition.


What are some examples of chemical weathering processes and their effects on rocks?

Examples of chemical weathering processes include hydration, hydrolysis, and oxidation. These processes can lead to the formation of new minerals, the alteration of rock structures, and the creation of unique landforms over time.


True or False:

Crashing waves, wind, and running water all form caves by mechanical weathering? 



How does the process of condensation differ from evaporation?

Condensation is the change of a gas to a liquid, while evaporation is the change of a liquid to a gas.
