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  1. What property describes the shininess of metals?

    • A) Ductility

    • B) Luster 

    • C) Malleability

    • D) Conductivity

  • B) Luster (Correct Answer)

  1. Transition elements are known for:

    • A) Being all gases

    • B) Having a single oxidation state

    • C) Their ability to form various oxidation states 

    • D) Being less dense than alkali metals

  • C) Their ability to form various oxidation states (Correct Answer)

  1. Which property allows metals to be hammered into thin sheets?

    • A) Ductility

    • B) Malleability 

    • C) Luster

    • D) Conductivity

B) Malleability (Correct Answer)

  1. What does the term "malleability" refer to?

    • A) The ability to conduct electricity

    • B) The ability to be shaped or hammered 

    • C) The ability to lose electrons

    • D) The ability to be drawn into wires

  • B) The ability to be shaped or hammered (Correct Answer)

  1. What does conductivity refer to in metals?

    • A) The ability to be shaped

    • B) The ability to reflect light

    • C) The ability to conduct heat and electricity 

    • D) The ability to rust

  • C) The ability to conduct heat and electricity (Correct Answer)

  1. Which group contains the most reactive metals?

    • A) Transition Metals

    • B) Alkaline Earth Metals

    • C) Alkali Metals 

    • D) Noble Gases

  • C) Alkali Metals (Correct Answer)

  1. What is the main use of transition metals?

    • A) They are used in batteries.

    • B) They are used in construction due to their strength. 

    • C) They are not used in any applications.

    • D) They are used exclusively in nuclear reactions.

  • B) They are used in construction due to their strength. (Correct Answer)

  1. Which group includes lithium and sodium?

    • A) Alkaline Earth Metals

    • B) Alkali Metals 

    • C) Transition Metals

    • D) Noble Gases

  • B) Alkali Metals (Correct Answer)

  1. Which group is primarily used in fireworks

    • A) Transition Metals

    • B) Alkali Metals 

    • C) Alkaline Earth Metals

    • D) Noble Gases

B) Alkali Metals (Correct Answer)

  1. Which of the following is a nonmetal?

    • A) Iron

    • B) Gold

    • C) Carbon 

    • D) Aluminum

  • C) Carbon (Correct Answer)

  1. Metals are typically:

    • A) Gases at room temperature

    • B) Brittle and non-conductive

    • C) Solid and conductive (Correct Answer)

    • D) All of the above

C) Solid and conductive (Correct Answer)

  1. What is the primary characteristic of metals as you move down a group in the periodic table?

    • A) They become less reactive.

    • B) They become more malleable.

    • C) They become more reactive. 

    • D) They become gases.

C) They become more reactive. (Correct Answer)

  1. What is one use of copper, a transition element?

    • A) Insulation

    • B) Wiring 

    • C) Packaging

    • D) None of the above

B) Wiring (Correct Answer)

  1. What is a characteristic of transition metals?

    • A) They are all gases.

    • B) They can form multiple oxidation states. 

    • C) They are nonreactive.

    • D) They are poor conductors.

B) They can form multiple oxidation states. (Correct Answer)

  1. The transition metals are found in which groups of the periodic table?

    • A) Groups 1 and 2

    • B) Groups 3-12 

    • C) Groups 13-18

    • D) None of the above

  • B) Groups 3-12 (Correct Answer)

  1. What does ductility allow metals to do?

    • A) Be hammered into sheets

      • What does ductility allow metals to do?

      • A) Be hammered into sheets

      • B) Be drawn into wires 

      • C) React with acids

      • D) Reflect light

    • C) React with acids

    • D) Reflect light

  • B) Be drawn into wires (Correct Answer)

  1. Which of the following compounds is a lanthanide?

    • A) Uranium

    • B) Gold

    • C) Cerium 

    • D) Copper

C) Cerium (Correct Answer)

  1. What defines the reactivity of alkali metals?

    • A) Their melting point

    • B) Their outer electron configuration 

    • C) Their density

    • D) Their color

B) Their outer electron configuration (Correct Answer)

  1. As you move from left to right across a period, metallic properties generally:

    • A) Increase

    • B) Decrease 

    • C) Remain the same

    • D) Turn into nonmetallic properties

  • B) Decrease (Correct Answer)

  1. What type of metal is often used in construction due to its strength?

    • A) Aluminum

    • B) Iron 

    • C) Sodium

    • D) Mercury

B) Iron (Correct Answer)

  1. Which of the following is a characteristic of alkaline earth metals?

    • A) They have one electron in their outer shell.

    • B) They are very reactive.

    • C) They have two electrons in their outer shell. 

    • D) They are gases at room temperature.

C) They have two electrons in their outer shell. (Correct Answer)

  1. Metals can typically conduct

    • A) Only electricity

    • B) Only heat

    • C) Both electricity and heat 

    • D) Neither

  • C) Both electricity and heat (Correct Answer)

  1. The lanthanides are known for being:

    • A) Highly reactive

    • B) Radioactive

    • C) Shiny and conductive 

    • D) Gaseous

C) Shiny and conductive (Correct Answer)

  1. Which of the following is true about alkaline earth metals?

    • A) They are less reactive than alkali metals. 

    • B) They have one outer electron.

    • C) They are gases at room temperature.

    • D) They are not metals.

A) They are less reactive than alkali metals. (Correct Answer)

  1. Which of the following is a property of metals?

    • A) They are generally brittle.

    • B) They have low melting points.

    • C) They are typically shiny and malleable. 

    • D) They are all nonreactive.

  • C) They are typically shiny and malleable. (Correct Answer)
