What type of relationship is it?: A barnacle will attach itself onto a whale, the barnacle gets a free ride and the whale doesn't seem to mind.
Commensalism Relationship
When two tectonic plates head straight into each other
Convergent plates
What is the rock cycle?
The way one rock changes into another
What is a plant's way of obtaining food called
Which layer of earth is the thickest?
The mantle
What type of relationship is it?: Trochilus birds will fly into a crocodile's mouth and eat the remaining bits stuck in the croc's teeth. The bird gets food and the croc gets good hygiene.
Mutualism relationship
When two tectonic plates pull away from each other
Divergent plates
When pieces of sedimentary compact & cement together.
Sedimentary rock
A organism that only eats meat is know as a
On what layers are tectonic plates present?
The crust & upper mantel
What type of relationship is it?: Birds will trail army ants to catch any insects who run from the ants. The bird gets free food and the ants don't seem to mind.
Commensalism Relationship
Before the continents were split up there was only one supercontinent, what was its name?
Rain, Snow, ice, that breaks down a rock
A organism that only eats plants are known as
What is earth's most dense layer?
The inner core
What type of relationship is it?: The oxpecker and the zebra work together because the oxpecker gets food as it eats ticks off of the zebra, and the zebra is cleaned in the process
Mutualism relationship
How many centimeters do tectonic plates move a year?
1.5 centimeters
magma that hardens below or above ground
Igneous rock
What amount of energy is carried on between organisms
What layer is the reason for Earth's magnetism?
The outer core
What type of relationship is it?: The tick will attach itself into a dog or cat and start to drink it's blood. The tick gets food and the dog is irritated
Parasitism relationship
When two plates run side by side hitting each other, it causes earthquakes.
Transform plates
Formed by extreme pressure and heat
Metamorphic Rock
A organisms that breaks down matter is known as a
How hot does the inner core get?