"What is 8?"
Summer, Autumn, Winter, and spring.
"What are seasons?"
Force that keeps all 8 planets in orbit.
"What is gravity?"
Planet farthest from the sun.
What is Neptune?
Center of the solar system.
"What is the sun?"
This type of moon phase is shown in this image.
"What is a waning crescent?"
The earth and the moon's rotation period and ____________ period are about the same. This is why we always see the same side of the moon here on earth.
"What is revolution?"
The thick clouds in the sky prevent heat from escaping which cause surface temperatures to increase.
"What is the atmosphere?"
Rocky planets are also known as...
"What are inner planets?"
Daylight hours are shorter during this season.
"What is winter?"
Imaginary line that separates the northern and southern hemisphere of earth.
What is the equator?
Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and the _______________.
"What is the sun?"
The coolest stars are this color.
"What is red?"
These types of planets take longer to revolve around the sun.
"What are outer planets?"
Earth's rotation while being "tilted" on it's axis causes...
Whats are seasons?
It takes ______ days for a moon to complete a full lunar cycle.
"What is 29.5 days/month?"
This object in space has a greater gravitational pull because it is closer to the earth.
"What is the moon?"
This space object orbits the earth.
"What is the moon?"
These types of planets rotate faster.
"What are outer planets?"
The type of tide that occurs when the moon, earth, and sun are in a straight line.
"What is a spring tide?"
Moon phase that takes place during a solar eclipse.
"What is a new moon?"
Moon phase that takes place during a lunar eclipse.
"What is a full moon?"
The hottest stars are this color.
"What is blue?"
This planet in known as earth's sister planet because it has a similar atmosphere and revolution.
"What is Venus?"
Type of tide that occurs when the moon is at a 1st quarter or last quarter.
"What is a neap tide?"