The Scientific Method
Ethical Guidelines in Science
Earth's Place in the Universe
The History of the Earth
The Geosphere

In science, an educated guess based off research and experience is called this

What is a hypothesis? 


The term HeLa is used to identify a particular lineage of immortal cells and is an abbreviation of this Roanoke native's name

What is Henrietta Lacks?


An astronomical unit (AU) is equivalent to the distance between these two objects in the universe

What is the Sun and Earth? 


The era in which dinosaurs inhabited the planet

What is the Mesozoic Era?


The three types of rocks

What are sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous?

The acronym CER stands for these three words

What is claim, evidence, and reasoning?


Three identifications that must be considered in order to obtain a fair subject selection in experiments 

What are age, location, race/ethnicity, education level, political affiliation, annual income, and religion? 


When the universe was forming, all of the matter, energy and space we could observe was compressed to an area of zero volume and infinite density called this.

What is a singularity? 


The first living organisms to photosynthesize

What are cyanobacteria? 


The study of the rocks

What is the geology?


The difference between quantitative and qualitative data

What is quantitative data is numerical and qualitative data is observations? 


UVA recently named a building after Dr. Vivian Pinn, who was the sole female and Black member of her medical class. She was also the first Black person to lead an academic department at this HBCU

What is Howard University? 


Because a comet consists of these two materials, they are unable to land on Earth's surface

What are dust and ice?


Aside from rocks, there are two other main things scientists study to learn about past climate

What are tree rings and ice cores? 

The physical layers of the Earth

What are the lithosphere, asthenosphere, mesosphere, inner core, and outer core? 


When reading a graduated cylinder, you should measure from the bottom of this disk

What is the meniscus? 


Our guest speaker, Dr, Rispoli taught us that children are unable to consent to partaking in scientific experiments, but they are able to express approval or disapproval in participating. The name for approval is called this.

What is assent? 


What are two of the four types of galaxies we discussed? 

What are spiral, barred, irregular, and elliptical? 


Any animal or plant preserved in the rock record of the Earth that is characteristic of a particular span of geologic time or environment

What is an index fossil?


The theory proposed by Alfred Wegener in 1912

What is continental drift? 


If I want to know what type of music is the best to listen to when studying, the type of music is this type of variable

What is the dependent variable? 
Ben Ferencz was a lawyer that prosecuted war crimes committed by Nazis during these trials

What are the Nuremberg Trials? 


Our guest lecturers Mark Wallace and Dr. Tony Beasley have careers in astrophysics at these two different organizations

What are the NASA Jet Propulsion Lab and the National Radio Astronomy Observatory?


Name three of the five types of fossils we discussed

What are petrified fossils, molds and casts, carbon films, preserved remains, and trace fossils?


The roots of a plant cracking a rock is an example of this

What is weathering? 
