Earth Systems

Which factor is a biotic element of an Arctic tundra?
A strong wind
B cold temperature
C snowy owl
D frozen soil

C snowy owl


The energy of a bow changes when the string is pulled back.
Which change will occur in the bow after the string is released?
A Nuclear potential energy will decrease.
B Elastic potential energy will decrease.
C Chemical potential energy will increase.
D Gravitational potential energy will increase.

B Elastic potential energy will decrease.


Which best explains why cold-water currents flow beneath warm-water currents?
A Cold water is more dense than warm water.
B Cold water contains less pollution than warm water.
C Warm water contains more oxygen than cold water.
D Warm water has more potential energy than cold water.

A Cold water is more dense than warm water.


Which best demonstrates a transformation of chemical energy into mechanical energy?
A a marble rolling down a track
B a lantern burning fuel
C a match lighting a candle
D a motorcycle using gasoline

D a motorcycle using gasoline


A new organism has been discovered in an isolated forest area. This new organism is multicellular and receives nutrition from dead trees. How will this organism most likely be classified?
A producer
B decomposer
C scavenger
D predator

B decomposer


A circuit contains a battery, wires, and a buzzer. The diagram represents the energy transformations that
occur in the circuit.
Chemical Energy to ? to Sound Energy
Which type of energy is needed to complete the diagram?
A Gravitational Energy
B Light Energy
C Electrical Energy
D Heat Energy

C Electrical Energy


In addition to rain, which other factor most helps plants grow all year in a tropical rain forest?
A low humidity
B warm temperatures
C cloudy summers
D windy conditions

B warm temperatures


Which question would best help a student classify an organism as a decomposer?
A Does it feed on plants?
B Does it break down dead material?
C Does it use sunlight to make its own food?
D Does it have parts that attract pollinators?

B Does it break down dead material?


Leeches usually live in freshwater ecosystems. Leeches feed on the blood of other animals, such as fish. The leeches do not kill the fish, but the fish are weakened by the leeches. Which best describes the relationship between leeches and fish?
A predator-prey
B consumer-scavenger
C producer-decomposer
D parasite-host

D parasite-host


When a lamp is turned on, only about 10% of the energy is transformed into light. What happens to the rest of
the energy?
A The remaining energy is destroyed.
B Energy that is not transformed into light becomes thermal energy.
C The rest of the energy is changed into a solid state of matter.
D Energy is recycled back into the electrical circuit.

B Energy that is not transformed into light becomes thermal energy.


Which condition will most likely lead to the formation of winds on Earth?
A the shifting of tectonic plates
B geothermal activity
C the rotation of Earth on its axis
D uneven heating of Earth's surface

D uneven heating of Earth's surface


What is the role of krill in this food chain?

A scavenger
B producer
C consumer
D decomposer

C consumer


A coniferous forest biome has long, cold, snowy winters. It contains pine and spruce trees, elk, moose, and gray wolves. Which factor is an abiotic element in this biome?
A moose
B spruce trees
C snow
D gray wolves

C snow


When a student pressed the button on a battery-powered flashlight, the light bulb began to glow. The first step in this energy transformation is mechanical. What are the next steps in this energy transformation?
A electrical to light to chemical
B chemical to electrical to light
C chemical to light to electrical
D electrical to chemical to light

B chemical to electrical to light


The location of the Humboldt Current is on the west coast of South American and runs north. Which of these best describes the Humboldt Current?
A a cold current that carries cold water from the pole northward to the tropics
B a cold current that carries cold water from the tropics southward to the pole
C a warm current that carries warm water from the pole northward to the tropics
D a warm current that carries warm water from the tropics southward to the pole

A a cold current that carries cold water from the pole northward to the tropics


A solar panel absorbs energy from the sun and transforms some of the energy into electrical energy. Which best explains what happens to the remaining energy?
A The remaining energy increases.
B The remaining energy is destroyed.
C The remaining energy is absorbed into the air.
D The remaining energy changes into other forms.

D The remaining energy changes into other forms.


Which set of abiotic factors is typical in rain forest biomes?
A warm temperatures and large amounts of precipitation
B hot temperatures and very little precipitation
C cool temperatures and low amounts of precipitation
D extremely cold temperatures and freezing precipitation

A warm temperatures and large amounts of precipitation


As the tire swings back and forth, a relationship occurs between which two types of energy?

A heat and electromagnetic
B mechanical and nuclear
C potential and kinetic
D physical and chemical

C potential and kinetic


The blades of a wind turbine are moving. The wind that moves the blades is caused by the
A density currents generated in oceans.
B atmosphere being unevenly heated.
C formation of cumulus clouds.
D buildup of greenhouse gases.

B atmosphere being unevenly heated.


Which two organisms from this food web are both classified as consumers?
A Tree and Bird
B Insect and Fox
C Rabbit and Grass
D Grass and Tree

B Insect and Fox
