Science 1
Science 2
Science 3
Science 4
Science 5
Which is the best example of an assistive bioengineered product? F. a rosebush that is bred to have roses of a particular color G. a computer program that helps a paralyzed person control a wheelchair H. a pesticide produced from the compounds of a plant J. a bacterium that generates oil byproducts in the presence of sunlight
What is... G. a computer program that helps a paralyzed person control a wheelchair
A grassland food web is shown below (see Elmo). The owl most directly obtains energy from which organism?
What is.... A. vole
Which diagram best represents one day on Earth (see Elmo)?
What is.... diagram "F"
Which is the best example of chemical potential energy? A. a book resting on a shelf B. a stretched rubber band C. a fuel tank containing gasoline D. a pencil falling off a table
What is.... C. a fuel tank containing gasoline
Cold ocean currents are most likely to be located at deeper ocean depths than warm water currents because F. winds push the cold water down. G. ocean tides force cold water downward. H. cold water is more dense and sinks. J. cold water has less salt to help it freeze and sink.
What is.... H. cold water is more dense and sinks.
A prairie food web is shown below (see Elmo). Which group of organisms is made up of only consumers? A. Spider, Grass, Mouse B. Toad, Grass, Rabbit C. Grasshopper, Mouse, Grass D. Rattlesnake, Grasshopper, Spider
What is.... D. Rattlesnake, Grasshopper, Spider
What can happen when the moon passes between Earth and the sun? F. The sun lights both sides of the moon. G. The moon blocks the light of the sun. H. The sun blocks the view of the moon. J. The moon stops the sun from producing light.
What is.... G. The moon blocks the light of the sun.
A diagram of the sun, Earth, and the moon is shown below (see Elmo). When the sun, Earth, and the moon are aligned in the positions shown in the diagram, what type of ocean tide occurs at location X (see Elmo)? A. red tides near the coast B. rip tides near the cost C. highest high tides D. lowest high tides
What is.... C. highest high tides
Which most likely causes the movement of warm surface ocean currents? F. Sunlight heats air forming strong winds that push currents. G. Low and high tides create energy for current movement H. Shifting ocean plates force water toward the poles. J. Warm waters help in the melting of icebergs and glaciers.
What is.... F. Sunlight heats air forming strong winds that push currents.
Each diagram shows a circuit (see Elmo). The number one represents a buzzer and the number two represents a clock. Which diagram most likely shows a circuit producing sound?
What is.... D. diagram "D"
The drawing below shows a sea breeze (see Elmo). When is this type of wind pattern most likely to occur? F. during the day when the land heats faster than the surface of the sea. G. during the night when the surface of the sea cools faster than the land. H. during the day when the sea is as warm as the land. J. during the night when the air above land is warmer than the air above the sea.
What is.... F. during the day when the land heats faster than the surface of the sea.
Inside a power plant, coal is burned to produce hot gases. What type of energy conversion takes place as hot gases cause turbines to move? A. thermal energy to chemical energy B. thermal energy to kinetic energy C. electrical energy to kinetic energy. kinetic energy to thermal energy
What is .... B. thermal energy to kinetic energy
The Arctic tundra provides a habitat for caribou and arctic hare. Which best describes the climate in which these animals live? F. cold and humid G. warm and dry H. cold and dry J. warm and humid
What is.... H. cold and dry
Venus appears very bright in the night sky because it A. has a gravitational field. B. is the largest planet. C. is the closest planet to Earth D. has a high surface temperature.
What is.... C. is the closest planet to Earth.
When turning on a flashlight, a chemical reaction in the battery produces electricity that lights a bulb. According to the Law of Conservation of Energy, the energy exchanged between the battery and the flashlight F. is created. G. loses matter. H. is destroyed. J. changes forms.
What is.... J. changes forms.
The barometer reading on a local weather forecast was 29.88 mm Hg and falling. What type of weather conditions are most likely about to occur? A. clear and cool B. clear and warm C. fair skies D. cloudy skies
What is.... D. cloudy skies
The soil in a deciduous forest typically contains many nutrients and supports the growth of various plants. Which statement explains why the soil is so nutrient rich? F. The daily rainfall adds minerals to the soil. G. The temperature of the soil is perfect for plants to grow. H. The amount of sunlight the soil gets is perfect for plants. J. The soil is high in organic matter from decomposers.
What is. J. The soil is high in organic matter from decomposers.
Ocean currents bring deep, nutrient-rich water to the surface. What causes these currents to move upward? A. Warm rainwater mixes with surface water, pushing deep water upward. B. Cold surface water from the poles sinks, pushing deep water upward. C. Wind currents cause surface water to sink, pushing deep water upward. D. Surface runoff from rivers causes warm water to sink, pushing deep water upward.
What is.... B. Cold surface water from the poles sinks, pushing deep water upward.
A ball is at rest until a paddle exerts force as shown below (see Elmo). What kind of energy is shown by the ball as it is moving away from the paddle? F. potential energy G. kinetic energy H. chemical energy J. nuclear energy
What is.... G. kinetic energy
Which organisms are most important for adding nutrients to the soil? A. consumers B. scavengers C. producers D. decomposers
What is.... D. decomposers
What causes a lunar eclipse to occur? F. The moon's shadow falls on Earth. G. Earth's shadow falls on the moon. H. The moon's shadow falls on the sun. J. The sun's shadow falls on Earth.
What is.... G. Earth's shadow falls on the moon.
Which tool is most useful to observe the moons of Jupiter to help record their motion? A. microscope B. telescope C. balance D. binoculars
What is.... B. telescope
Approximately how long does it take the moon to complete one cycle of phases? F. a month G. a day H. a year J. a week
What is.... F. a month
Which activity within our solar system takes approximately one year to complete? A. Halley's comet revolving around the sun once B. a distant star revolving around Earth once C. Earth revolving around the sun once D. the moon revolving around Earth once
What is.... C. Earth revolving around the sun once
Beginning with the "new moon" phase, which is the correct order of the lunar cycle? F. new moon, waxing crescent, third quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, first quarter, waning crescent moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning crescent, third quarter, waning gibbous H. new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter, waning crescent J. new moon, waxing gibbous, first quarter, waxing crescent, full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter, waning crescent
What is.... H. new moon, waxing crescent, first quarter, waxing gibbous, full moon, waning gibbous, third quarter, waning crescent