Early Judaism and Hinduism
Isolated China and The silk Road
More China and Chinese Philosophies
Ancient Greece
Who unified the ancient Hebrew tribes into one nation?
What are the Four Noble Truths?
1) Suffering is present in all things in life. 2) Suffering is caused by cravings (wants and desires). 3) To end suffering, give up all cravings. 4) The way to give up cravings is to follow the Eightfold Path.
What are two main reasons why China was isolated from the rest of the world for many centuries?
1) China's exterior is comprised of natural barriers (deserts, mountains, an ocean) that in effect "walled the Chinese in" and "walled outsiders out". 2) Long distances. China was thousands of miles from some of the other ancient population centers (Europe, SW Asia)
What philosophy taught that we must be in tune with nature and learn how to strike a balance in our lives just as all things in nature exist in balance with their opposites as represented by yin and yang (spring and fall, winter and summer, rainy and dry, birth and death, sweet and sour, strong and weak, rock and air)
What form of government replaced early monarchies in Greece. Who were the people who controlled this form of government?
Oligarchs formed oligarchies. They were a relatively small group of rich aristocrats who passed laws that benefitted themselves at the expense of the poorer people.
What does the word "exodus" mean, and how does it apply to ancient Jewish history?
An exodus is a mass departure of a group from some place all at one time. For example, there is an exodus of football fans from UM stadium after the game is over. In ancient history "the Exodus" refers to the Jews' departure, led by Moses, from Egypt for Canaan ("the promised land").
How are Buddhism's Eightfold Path and the vedas of Hinduism similar?
Both give examples of how to live a good life to reach enlightenment. They teach and give examples of how one should live.
What natural barrier in SW China lies next to the Himalayan mountains and helped to block China's trade and interactions with ancient Indian cultures? Describe that barrier. What is it's nic name?
The Tibetan Plateau, also called "the Roof of the World" has a very high elevation and is very cold. It is relatively barren (no precipitation, very little vegetation) and rocky.
What philosophy's main goal is to create lasting order and justice in society. It teaches that order is maintained when people pay respect to their superiors in personal relationships, and when those superiors take care of and teach their subordinates in those relationships.
What were some geographical differences between Sparta and Athens.
Athens, northern peninsula of Greece; Sparta southern peninsula of Greece (the Peloponnesus). Athens sea port; Sparta mountain valley; Athens near and in touch with other city-states; Sparta far from and isolated from other city-states
What is the Diaspora and what change took place to allow Judaism to survive?
The Diaspora refers to all of the Jews who, without an official homeland, became scattered among the many nations of the earth. To allow Judaism to survive, any faithful Jewish man, and not only a rabbi, was allowed to read from the sacred Torah.
At birth, holy men said that Siddhartha would either grow up to be a spiritual leader or a powerful king. Why did his father keep him cooped up in the palace while he was growing up?
His father didn't want him to see the harsh realities of the outside world and become philosophical about how to help those who were suffering. So he kept Siddhartha in the palace and tried to get him used to a life of luxuries while teaching him the skills a king needs.
What are some of the cultural effects that resulted from trade along the silk road?
Exchanges of information about math, sciences, technology; Buddhism spread into China and other parts of Asia; several cities along the trade routes grew into multicultural trading hubs (Antioch and Ctesiphon in the west, Kashgar further east)
What philosophy believed that there were not enough good men with integrity to lead society properly, and therefore a harsh ruler enforcing strict rules had to keep society under control to prevent chaos from taking over. Because people were basically weak and selfish they have to be kept in check at all times.
What are two differences between Doric and Corinthian columns?
Doric has no base; Corinthian has a base. Doric has a simple blocky top; Corinthian has very elaborate decorative carvings at the top.
Who was the founder of Hinduism? When was it founded?
Trick questions! Hinduism gradually evolved or many centuries. It was not founded by any one person at any one time.
What is an ascetic, and what does that word have to do with Siddhartha's life?
An ascetic is one who gives up physical pleasures, possessions and comforts in order to focus on leading a life that pursues spiritual enlightenment. Ascetics believe that worldly comforts and possessions are just "stuff" that interfere with pure spirituality.
Rice requires warm weather and lots of water and precipitation. Where did the ancient Chinese find these conditions for growing rice?
The Chang Jiang basin.
China has the world's _____________ _____________, but will probably be replaced as #1 by India within a few decades.
largest population
What do these Greek words that we use today mean when translated literally from the Greek language? geometry, geography, telephone, pentathlon.
geometry = "to measure the land or earth" geography = "to write about the land or earth" telephone = "a far off or distant off voice" pentathlon = "five contests"
Why do Hindus believe that the caste system is fair and just?
Hindus believe that you will be reincarnated, and that your next life will be determined by the karma you earn in this life. If you have good karma in this life, you'll have a better existence (higher caste) in the next life. Bad karma?... a worse position (lower caste) in life the next time. In this way, Hindus believe that people deserve the caste they are born into and that they must stay in that caste until their karma allows them to be reborn into a different caste in the next life.
Both Buddhists and Hindus believe that one can reach a state of enlightenment and thus find absolute peace and serenity. How do they differ in this belief?
Hindus believe that you have to live many consecutive lives of following one's dharma in order to move up the caste system and eventually into enlightenment. Buddhists believe that you can achieve enlightenment ("nirvana") in this lifetime... if you work at it (the Eightfold Path) you don't necessarily have to wait many lifetimes to become a buddha yourself.
What were two of China's main exports to the west in ancient times? Why were they so valuable?
Silk and porcelain (or "fine China"). The amount that was sent to the west was controlled by the Chinese emperors who wanted to make sure they remained rare commodities in the west. Rare = EXPENSIVE! The secrets of how to make each of them were top national secrets, highly guarded by the Chinese.
Heading west from Kashgar, one had a difficult trek across the ________ Mountains. What were some of the dangers and difficulties encountered by travelers in those mountains?
Pamir Mountains. Travelers would experience altitude sickness (headaches, nausea, ringing ears due to lack of oxygen), snow storms, pack animals could fall off of narrow mountain passes. This route was sometimes called the "trail of bones".
Name a few differences between the rights of females in ancient Athens and modern women in the US.
Athenian women could not be citizens or vote; US women can do both. Athenian women had authority over the home but nowhere else in public; US women hold all sorts of authoritative positions in US society. Athenian women had to have an escort or chaperone outside of the house; US women can go wherever they want, when they want, without any escort of chaperone. Athenian women could not own or inherit land; US women can inherit and own anything including land. Athenian girls were taught only domestic skills; US women are taught all subjects that boys are taught.