Belief in one God
What is domestication of plants and animals?
Making them better for human use.
What two rivers was Mesopotamia located between?
Tigris & Euphrates
Name 3 geographical features of ancient India.
Himilayan Mountains, Indian Ocean, Ganges River, Indus River
Three bodies of water located in ancient Israel
Jordan River, Dead Sea, Red Sea
What was the name of the river were Egypt was established?
River in China that has an appearance that matches it's name
Yellow River
Ancient Greece is made up of over 1000 islands, making the city-states _________ from each other.
___________ caused independent city-states to develop and create their own culture.
Isolated, Isolation
Which Greek city state (Polis)?
Rocky soil and little farmland
Located on the Attica Peninsula on the Aegean Sea, making trade easy
Focused on art, literature, philosophy, and trade
Only boys were educated in math, reading, writing, music, drama, and military practices.
Highly valued education
Slaves completed farm work, helped with household chores, served as clerks, or worked in silver mines.
Women were not allowed to own or inherit property, could not leave home alone, vote, or speak to males outside their family
Direct democracy was used where citizens made the decisions for the entire city-state.
Rome is located on the _________ Peninsula (Shaped like a boot).
What was the result of Julius Caesar becoming popular among the Plebeians, and naming himself dictator?
Belief in many gods/goddesses
What is a food surplus?
Having more than you need.
The study of metal, which helped people make stronger plows and farming equipment:
Shifts in wind patterns that can cause severe heavy rain and flooding or dry seasons are called
Monsoon winds
Why did ancient Israelites move from Mesopotamia to Canaan?
Abraham (a native of Mesopotamia) made a covenant/promise with God.
God promised Abraham that if he served Him and only Him, He would give Abraham the land of Canaan and many descendents.
Abraham and his people moved from Mesopotamia to Canaan and stayed there for about 214 years.
In ancient Egypt, Pharaohs were believed to receive their power from ______
Name 3 geographic features of Ancient China
Gobi Desert, Yellow River, Yangtze River, Plateau of Tibet, Himalayan Mountains, Pacific Ocean
Laws are applied to everyone equally, no matter what
Rule of Law
Which city state (Polis)?
Located on the Peloponnesian Peninsula between 2 mountains on a flat plain
Trade was difficult, but soil was fertile
No focus on education, Focused on farming, courage, honor, and strength
Boys and girls attended to military school
Slaves were called Helots. They were treated harshly, allowed to marry, and could buy their freedom
Women were equal citizens to men, could own property, allowed to speak to men outside their family, allowed to remarry with husbands who had gone to war for too long, but still were NOT allowed to vote.
Oligarchy was used - kings held all the power
Rome was located near the ________ River. People used the river to ship goods out to the Mediterranean Sea. It was also located on a fertile plain, good for farming.
Who is this?
created a professional army
He established borders for Rome by using natural boundaries
Established the Roman Empire
Established proconsuls (assistant to the consul)
Set up a governor to oversee each province
Established a civil service system
He changed the tax system
Made Rome into a city of marble by creating building made of marble
Ruled during the Pax Romana
Augustus Caesar
BC/BCE means
Before Christ/Before common era
How do hunter-gatherers live?
They gather plants and follow herds to eat. No permanent settlement.
The lowest members of the Caste system (pyramid) were the
The first five books of the Old Testament are called
the Torah
The first form of paper, grew by the Nile River
- the belief that people are born evil and need to be controlled by strict laws and harsh punishments.
All citizens participate in government and vote on laws.
Used in the city-state of Athens
Direct Democracy
Persia conquered part of Asia Minor causing some Greek city-state to rebel, leading to the _______ _______
Persian Wars
What are checks and balances?
Each branch of the government checks the other branches to make sure one does not have too much power. Keeps the government balanced.
Latin for “Roman Peace”
200 years of peace and stability with no wars
Led to flourishing trade throughout Rome
Pax Romana
Circa means
about or approximately
After domesticating animals and plants, why did most people settle near rivers?
River valleys provided the perfect setting for settlements. The rivers flooded yearly and provided fertile soil to grow crops.
The first written language, developed by Sumerians in Mesopotamia.
A person’s moral code or duty that controls all aspects of a person’s life
King _________ unified and built the first temple in Jerusalem. (Their final king.)
Tombs: this is where the wealthy would bury their dead
____________ Philosopher and teacher
Created ______________ to address political and cultural problem in China
During this time, a period of Warring State (multiple groups fighting) was occurring and people were looking for a way to have a peaceful society.
Confucius, Confucianism
__________ means “rule of the few”
A small group of people hold all the power and wealth in a society
Used in the city-state of Sparta
Why were the Olympic games originally created?
to honor Zeus
The written Roman Laws that stated the rights and duties of Roman citizens.
They were located in the Forum - a public gathering place/marketplace in Ancient Rome. Place there for everyone to see
12 tables (tablets)
Spread of Jews from their homeland
Jewish Diaspora
What was the purpose of mummification in ancient Egypt?
to preserve the body of the deceased so that their spirit could recognize and inhabit it in the afterlife
How many years in a decade? Century?
10, 100
The first set of written laws in history, made by a Babylonian king. "An eye for an eye."
Code of Hammurabi
Ultimate goal in Buddhism
Stage Buddhists reach when they are no longer reincarnated
“Buddhist Heaven”
After Solomon's death, Israel split into two kingdoms, (North and South) what were they called?
North- Israel
South- Judah
The queen who increased trade through friendly relationships, resulting in the growth of the kingdom.
Queen Hatshepsut
Which dynasty had all these accomplishments?
Magnetic compass - helped sailors to travel and improved navigation
Paper making - used for wrapping the became a writing material for record keepings
Porcelain - used to make vases, dolls, dishes, and sculptures
Silk - high demand fabric used for clothing. Made from the cocoons of the silkworm.
Woodblock printing - carved pieces of wood used to pressed designs into fabric or paper and also used for record keeping.
The Silk Road - a network of trade routes established throughout Eurasia (Europe - Asia)
The Han Dynasty
Who fought in the Peloponnesian Wars?
Sparta & Athens
Located in the Acropolis of Athens
Temple built to honor the goddess Athena, overlooking Athens
Middle/lower class citizens
Had very little say in government, but could vote and serve in Assemblies
Laborers, artisans, and soldiers
Who is this?
Born in Bethlehem
Son of God
Founder of Christianity
The Messiah
Called “Christ” because that is the Greek word for Messiah