TCAP Questions

Name the location and their religion.

Israel - Judaism



Person/community who migrates from place to place. This would be a group of hunter/gatherers. 


What led to the development of larger, more complex civilizations beyond hunter/gatherers?

A. Humans stopped hunting and did not need to develop weapons

B. Territorial fighting stopped since people no longer competed for land or food

C. The use of religious rituals stopped since people had a better understanding of nature

D. Food surpluses

D. Food surpluses

Having extra food allowed people to stop hunting and gathering as often. Now with extra time on their hands, people started building homes, settling down, and creating jobs.

Name the rivers of Mesopotamia.

Tigris and Euphrates

Name the religions of India. Which one is nontheistic?

Hinduism and Buddhism

Buddhism - no gods


What achievements of Mesopotamia led to advancements in agriculture?

wheel, plow, irrigation, sail


The first ruler of the Akkadian Empire, known for his conquests of the Sumerian city-states in the 24th to 23rd centuries BC. He is sometimes identified as the first person in recorded history to rule over an empire.

Sargon the Great

Name the location and religion(s)

Rome - Polytheism and Christianity


Barter Economy

the act of trading goods or services WITHOUT the use of money. Ex: trading a chicken for 2 corn crops.


The mountainous terrain of Ancient Greece led to the development of which type of civilizations?

A. unified nations

B. independent city-states

C. river valley settlements

D. nomadic hunting tribes

B. independent city-states


What are all the things rivers provided for settlements?

Trade, Travel, Fresh Water, Fertile Soil, Fish, etc.


Explain Greek mythology. What do their gods look like?

gods and goddesses that looked human-like and expressed human-like emotions. Stories about gods and goddesses. 


Why were hieroglyphics considered an advancement? Who invented hieroglyphics?

Using pictures/symbols to communicate made it easier to read than Cuneiform from Mesopotamia. Egypt invented hieroglyphics.


Trade partner to Egyptian Pharaohs. This region had times of peace and war with Egypt.



Explain the process of dying/afterlife talked about in this song.


Egypt - mummification

preserving the body for the afterlife.

Soul (heart) had to be tested on a scale to see if you were a good person.



farming - cultivating soil to grow crops

raising animals


What is the significance of the Qin Dynasty?

A. It was the first dynasty to expand into Europe

B. It was the first dynasty to promote Judaism

C. It was the first dynasty to unite China

D. It was the first dynasty to be democratic in China

C. It was the first dynasty to unite China

Qin Shi Huangdi created the first Chinese Empire (united all the dynasties, legalistic, emperor)


What are the benefits of living near mountains?

protection from invasion, fresh water from melted snow

Name all the monotheistic religions.

Judaism, Christianity


Describe the silk road and what location this is associated with.

Trade route from China to the Western Worlds. A popular route to trade: spices, silk, ideas, religion

Name the 3 Kings of Israel in order AND what they are known for.

Saul - united Israel

David - established Jerusalem as capital city

Solomon - built Holy Temple


What achievement is being shown in this clip? Who created this and why?

Rome - Colosseum for entertainment

Gladiator fights


Moksha AND Nirvana

Moksha - Hinduism (eternal peace with gods)

Nirvana - Buddhism (eternal peace)

Freedom from reincarnation


What 3 statements explain how geography influenced the development of the Greek City-States?

A. Thick forests limited the amount of farmland

B. Mountains protected from land invasions

C. access to coastal regions allowed for maritime trade

D. Location on a peninsula created natural barriers

B, C, D

Greek City States (Polis) were separated from each other due to lots of mountains. This made for very little farmland in Greece. They had to trade and conquer land in order to farm. 


What made China isolated from the rest of the world? (3 things)

Gobi Desert, Himalayan Mountains, Plateau of Tibet

Name ALL the kingdoms with polytheistic religions.

Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, Greece, Rome


What are the most important achievements that came from India?

Zero, Numbers 0 - 9, surgery (medical advancements), sewer systems, toilets


Who is Siddhartha Gautama? What did he do?

Prince of India who gave up his riches to solve the problem of suffering. Created buddhism as an answer to suffering.

Explain what war is being shown?

Who is involved? Where are they located?

Persian Wars - Greece vs. Persia

Athens fought the Persians until Sparta joined in when their religious festival was done. 

Sparta sacrificed themselves in order to win the war, allowing Athens to escape by water. 

Athens then won the war due to their navy. 


List all THREE names of the bottom tier of the caste system. (lowest level - has 3 names)

Dalits, Untouchables, Outcasts


Which TWO events led to the diaspora of the Jewish people in 70 AD?

A. destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem by Rome

B. loss of territory after a war with the Egyptians

C. Expulsion of citizen to Mesopotamia

D. failure of revolts against the Romans

A and D - The Romans started attacking/hunting down Christians and Jews after the death of Jesus. They burned down the Holy Temple. This led to Jewish people revolting against Rome, but they were not successful. 

Diaspora - run from death, scatter


Why did so many kingdoms live around the Mediterranean Sea? AND WHO lived around it?

Trade, travel, conquest, next to water (salt water)

Who: Egypt, Israel, Greece, Rome

Mesopotamia - kind of


What are the religions of Rome? Where did these religions come from (originate)? Be detailed.

Ex: Chinese Buddhism came from India. Catholicism originated from Christianity and Italy.

Polytheistic - Roman mythology. borrowed the Greek gods and renamed them

Christianity - originated from Judaism. Jesus is considered the Messiah that is God on earth - forgave humanity for its sins by dying on a cross


What TWO locations does a lot of American architecture use?

Bonus 100 for any Kingdom: Name the pieces of architectural design that America borrowed from each location.

Rome and Greece

Rome - arches and domes

Greece - pillars and white buildings


Who are Julius and Augustus Caesar?

Julius - dictator for life - assassinated by the Patricians and his friend Brutus

Augustus - adopted son of Julius. Took Rome into their Golden Age - Pax Romana


During the Peloponnesian Wars, who fought each other? Why did they fight? Who won? Who REALLY won?

Athens vs. Sparta of Greece

Athens used all the tax money to rebuild their city, leaving nothing for Sparta who sacrificed themselves in the last war to help Athens and Greece.

Each place forms their own alliances (Delian League and Peloponnesian League)

They fight. Sparta won. Their neighbor Macedonia really won.


Feudalism - What is this?

Bonus 100: Who created feudalism?

China - traded land for loyalty and other benefits

other benefits: paying taxes, serving in military, growing crops


Humans began creating pottery. Humans used copper and bronze to make weapons and tools. Humans domesticated plants and animals. 

What era of human history is this?

A. Jurassic

B. Neolithic

C. Paleolithic

D. Polytheistic

B. Neolithic

This is right after hunter/gatherer nomadic lifestyles. This was the next level up. 


In the following picture, tell me where EACH Ancient Kingdom is located. 

Bonus 500: Tell me WHY each location is located where they are. Ex: what makes that place a good place to settle humans?



Who was threatened by Jesus and why was he sentenced to death on a cross?

Also, what religion and location is he connected to?

The Jewish people and Roman authorities were threatened by Jesus for different reasons. 

The Jewish people felt like he was speaking false things that went against their religion when he claimed to be the Messiah and able to forgive sins. 

The Romans did not like the attention he got and that crowds of people followed him when he traveled and preached.

Both groups of people were apart of his death - the cross was a legalistic way of torturing someone in Rome and killing them. 

Jesus - Christianity and Rome


What ideas from Roman AND Greek government became important ideas to the United States government? Explain.

Feudalism? Legalism? Confucianism? Democracy? Oligarchy? Republic? Monarchy? Dictatorship? etc.

Rome - Republic (system of checks and balances to ensure power was balanced and nobody had too much power)

Greece - democracy (people voting and having a voice in their government)

USA = democratic republic (republican democracy)


Confucius - Who is he? Where is he from?

What philosophy did he create? Why did he create it (what was the purpose)?

He was a teacher from China who created the philosophy - confucianism. During his lifetime, China had a corrupt government and was in chaos during the warring states period. Confucianism was made to create peace in the chaos and restore order. 
