Backcountry Bathrooms
Trip Location
Nature Trivia
Trip Trivia
Gearing Up

Are there toilets on the trail?



What is the name of the location for this trip?

Bandelier National Monument

What is the most popular outdoor activity in the US?



What dates are we going on the trip?

May 6-10


Why is it important that your backpack fits properly?

In order to ensure you are comfortable while hiking (posture, balance, no pain), and that it isn't adjusted to be too big or too small.


What is the proper way to cover up a #2 in the great outdoors?

Cover everything up with dirt, and put a rock or stick on top to discourage others from using the same spot. 


In what state is our trip destination located?

New Mexico


Which of the following may be left in the back country and wilderness? a.) Apple cores. b.) Orange peels. c.) Footprints. d.) A cache of food or equipment - provided they are well hidden.

C. Footprints


Explain our general trip itinerary.

Drive to Bandelier Monday, split into 2 groups to hike Tuesday-Thursday, reunite Thursday night, drive to Denver on Friday


Should you bring full size toiletries on the trip? Explain your answer.

No! Bring travel size deodorant, toothpaste, etc. or share with those in your tent group.


Where does your toilet paper go after you're done going #2?

In the tinfoil in the ziploc bag

Bandelier National Monument was formerly the home of the ________ people.



Where should you set up your campsite? a.) Choose flat ground away from the trail, but next to water. b.) Pick a site out of sight of the trail and at least 200 feet (about 70 steps) from water. c.) In well used, popular areas, camp where it is obvious people have camped before. d.) Camp close to other people for safety.

B and C. Good campsites are generally away from fragile shorelines and wet areas. Because most campsite impacts occur with low to moderate use, impacts can often be avoided by camping in well established sites where impacts have already occurred.


How much water should you drink while backpacking? Explain your answer.

As much as your body needs - more than usual!! It's hot out and you will be active throughout the day. It's important to drink a lot of water so you don't get dehydrated - and potentially get sick.


How do you use your ziploc bag that we made the other day? What is it for?

For used toilet paper


How far from a trail do you need to go before using the bathroom?

200 feet away from any trail, campsite, or water source

Name at least 4 animals you can find at Bandelier National Monument: 

mule deer, squirrels, lizards, birds, bats, mountain lions, pikas, bighorn sheep, black bears, coyotes, elk, badgers...


What is Leave No Trace? Explain the LNT principles and how they apply to our backpacking trip.

Leave No Trace is a national educational program to inform visitors about reducing the damage caused by outdoor activities, based on an abiding respect for the natural world and our fellow wildland visitors.  It is important for us to follow LNT on our trip in order to protect the environment for local wildlife and other visitors.


What is the "5, 5, 5" rule?

For water purification: 5 drops of A, 5 drops of B, wait 5 minutes.


Where does your used toilet paper go in your ziploc bag?

In the tin foil pocket


How deep should your cathole be (the whole you dig to go #2)?

6-8 inches deep

We will be hiking along the Frijoles Creek during our trip. This creek feeds into what river?

Rio Grande


Name 4 of the Leave No Trace principles.

The 7 principles include plan ahead and prepare, travel & camp on durable surfaces, dispose of waste properly, leave what you find, minimize campfire impacts, respect wildlife, and be considerate of others.


How often should you wash your hands/use hand sanitizer?

As often as possible - after bathroom, before eating, before cooking, after eating.


What is the name of the water purification drops that we will use on the trail?

