Asagidakilerden hangisi ibadet etmek icin sorumlu tutulmanin sartlarindan degildir? / Which one of these is not a condition to be held responsible?
A) Must have reached the age of puberty/ Ergenlik cagina girmis olmak
B) To not be mentally disabled/ Akil sagligi yerinde olmak
C)To be financially wealthy/ Maddi zenginlige sahip olmak
D)Being a Muslim/ Musluman olmak
Which one of the following is not one of the 4 main topics of the Qur’an? / Hangisi Kur’anin 4 ana konularindan birisi degildir?
A)Tevhid- Allahin birligi
B) Peygamberlik/Prophethood
C)Hasir-Dirilis/ Resurrection
D) Bilimsel teoriler/ Scientific Theories
Islamin 5 sarti nedir?/ What are the five pillars of Islam
Sehadet etmek, namaz kilmak, zekat vermek, oruc tutmak, hacca gitmek
We should always behave kids…. [Cocuklara her zaman …… davranmaliyiz].
In discipline [disiplinli]
With love [sevgiyle]
Seriously [Ciddi]
By doing whatever they want [Her istediklerini yaparak]
With love [sevgiyle]
Allah imani, insan ….. (Believing in Allah is … in human nature.)
A) Buyuyunce ogrenir (learned as they grow up)
B)Fitratinda vardir (found in his innate creation)
C) Musluman olmadan bilemez (cannot know unless one is a Muslim)
Fitratinda vardir (found in his innate creation)
Namaz kilmak, bir Muslumanin Allah’a olan bagliligini nasil gosterir?/ How does praying shows a Muslim’s loyalty to Allah?
A) They only worship on holidays/ Sadece bayramlarda ibadet etmeye ozen gosterir
B) Praying is a way to continuously worship Allah and express loyalty/ Namaz kilmak,Allah’a surekli ibadet etmek ve bagliligi ifade etmektir
C) Prayers can only be performed in ablalar/ Namaz sadece ablalarda kilinir
D)Praying is done because it is a mandatory duty/ Namaz zorunlu bir gorev oldugu icin yapilir
What is the main purpose of the Quran’s revelation? / Kur’an’in gonderilmesindeki temel amac nedir?
A) Insanlara dogru yolu gostermek/To show people the right path
B) Insanlari eglendirmek/ To entertain people
C) Tarih bilgisi vermek/ To provide historical knowledge
D)Arapca ogretmek/ To teach Arabic
Hac ibadeti sirasinda hangi kutsal mekanda bulunmak gerekmektedir?/ In which sacred location must one be present to perform Hajj pilgrimage?
A)Medine/ Medina
B)Kudus/ Jerusalem
C)Mekke/ Mecca
Sahabe, Sevgili Peygamberimiz’in (sav) ….. Denir.
Ailesine (family)
Akrabalarina (relatives)
Arkadaslarina (friends)
Cocuklarina (children)
Arkadaslarina (friends)
Yuce Allah'in (cc) hangi Esmasinin anlami Her seyi gorendir?
El- Alim
What sures do we read at the end of all namaz? / Tum namazin sonunda hangi sureleri okuruz?
Ettehiyyatu, salli-barik, rabbena
What natural happening is described in the Quran? / Kuran hangi doga olayi hakkinda bilgi vermektedir?
A) Stars are fixed in place./ Yildizlarin sabit oldugu
B)There are layers of the sky/ Goklerin katmanlari oldugu
C)Soil and water mix together/Toprak ve suyun birbirine karistigi
D)Animal migration routes are uncertain/ Hayvanlarin goc yollarinin belirsiz oldugu
Oruc hangi ayda tutulur/ In which month do we fast?
Who was the child sahabah mentioned in our sohbet? [Sohbetimizde bahsedilen cocuk sahabi kimdi?]
Hz. EbuBekir
Hz. Omer
Hz. Osman
Hz. Ali
Hz. Ali
Which names of Allah (SWT) means The All-Hearing. (Yuce Allah'in (cc) hangi Esmasinin anlami Her seyi bilendir)?
El- Alim
El- Alim
Yuce Allah (cc), her 100 yilda bir alim bir zat gonderir, buna …. Denir
Mukabele (Reading the Qur’an while others follow)
Muceddid (renewer)
Muteaddid (multiple)
Muceddid (renewer)