The Exploration and Settlement of North America
Colonization and the Institution of Slavery
Colonial Louisiana
The Road to Independence (American Revolution)
Founding a New Nation/ Structures, Powers, and Functions of U.S. Government

What motivated most Europeans to explore and colonize North America?

3g's: Gold, God, Glory


Explain why Puritans and Quakers moved from Europe to North America.

To freely practice their religion.


Describe an outcome of many ethnic groups living together in south Louisiana?

It led to cultural diffusion between groups.


Which fundamental political idea is expressed in the Declaration of Independence?

If the government denies its people certain basic rights, that government can be overthrown.


In the Preamble, what key concept does the phrase “We the People” emphasize?

The power of individual citizens.


What is the definition of a colony?

A territory far from the country that controls it.


Why did colonists restrict enslaved Africans from learning to read?

To prevent enslaved Africans from rising up against the masters. 


Explain how colonial settlers influenced Louisiana culture?

Music from the many cultures merged into a unique Louisiana sound and Immigrants brought new foods and new ways of cooking to Louisiana.


Which 2 acts by the British government caused discontent among the colonists?

Quartering of soldiers in private homes (Quartering Act) and the taxing of the colonies without their approval.


According to Thomas Jefferson, why does a nation sometimes need rebellions?

To remind government leaders of the power of the people.


Describe the impact of European land claims in North America?

European land claims led to the dispossession of Native American land, resources, and sovereignty, resulting in centuries of violence, genocide, and forced removals.


Describe how Quakers and Puritans differ in their beliefs?

Quakers opposed all forms of violence, but Puritans did not.


In 1724, Bienville implemented Code Noir in the French colony of Louisiana. This was a set of laws created to...

Regulate the lives of free and enslaved black people.


What challenges did Washington and the American troops face during the Revolution? 

American troops lacked adequate clothing, food, medical care, and military supplies and there were not enough men in the American military to overtake the British troops.


Name a qualification to become president.

Be born in the United States, at least 35 years old, and a resident of the United States for 14 years.


One theory about the disappearance of the Roanoke Colony is that the colonists assimilated with the Croatoan people. What does this mean?

The colonists joined and adopted the culture of the Croatoans.


In colonial America, which of the following was a more significant reason that Southern Colonies had more enslaved people than the New England colonies?

The Southern Colonies were more dependent on agriculture.


Explain why the Louisiana Purchase was a significant event in American history.

It doubled the size of the United States and It gave the United States complete control of the Mississippi River.


Describe the contrasting viewpoints of Loyalists and Patriots. 

Loyalists strongly supported British rule and opposed independence, while Patriots believed in the need for self-governance and independence.


How did early abolitionists like Olaudah Equiano, Benjamin Banneker, and Elizabeth Freeman impact the development of state governments?

They raised awareness and fought for their rights which had an impact on the larger conversation of rights.


Explain the motivations of establishing French and British colonies in North America.

France: fur-trapping colonies to support the fur trade Great Britain: create raw material-producing colonies.


How did the Triangular Trade routes benefit England?

The colonies provided raw materials from North America to England to create finished products to sell and trade.


How did enslaved people in colonial Louisiana use Spanish laws to their advantage?

Under Spanish laws, enslaved people were able to initiate their own manumissions through self-purchase, enabling almost 2000 people to purchase their freedom.


What was the purpose of that Proclamation Act of 1763?

To help end conflict between Native Americans and settlers.


why might the framers of the U.S. Constitution have found it necessary to separate the powers of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches and implement a system of checks and balances?

They wanted to ensure that no single branch or individual would become too powerful.
