Figurative Language
Class Novel
Revising and Editing
Context Clues and Text Evidence
Journal Anchor Charts

True or False

Antagonist are always the bad guy in the story.

What is False?


In the novel Hatchet, this type of external conflict occurs when Brian has the major conflicts of fighting the bear and surviving the tornado.

What is Character vs. Nature?


This is the error made in this sentence:

"Because of the storm last night we will not have a baseball game today."

What is the missing comma after "night"?


"After Thanksgiving dinner, the family always looked well-fed and content."

This is what the word "content" means in this sentence above.

a. dismayed  b. satisfied  c. odd  d. responsible

What is satisfied?


This acronym helps you remember the five different purposes for an author to write to their audience.

What is "IPEED"?


This is the part of the plot that leads to the end of the story.

What is Falling Action?


In the novel Walk Two Moons, this character exhibits personality traits of immaturity, haughtiness, and being overemotional. 

Who is Phoebe?


This is the adjective in the sentence:

"My coach screamed loudly at us for the poor practice that we had after school today."

What is the word "poor"?


"Jake was interested not in ordinary photographs but in curious old pictures of unusual people and places."

This is what curious means in this sentence.

a. ugly  b. effective  c. odd  d. typical

What is odd?


This is the author's purpose for writing a recipe for making meat loaf.

What is to explain?


"How many Lowe's would a Rob Lowe Rob, if a Rob Lowe could rob Lowe's?"

This tongue twister is an example of this literary device.

What is Alliteration?


In the novel The Outsiders, this is the turning point for Dallas "Dally" Winston's character in a negative way.

What is Johnny dying?


Adverbs are used to modify these three things.

What are Adjectives, verbs, and other adverbs?


Adjacent: having the vertex and one side in common.

"In most houses, the kitchen is next to the dining room so that serving meals is easy."

These two words in the sentence are the context clue that defines the meaning of the word adjacent.

What is "next to"?


This critical error in an argumentative text can cause your readers to lose all faith in your argument.

What is a Logical Fallacy?


By having a southern character say words such as "ain't" or "y'all", the author creates a distinct personality through this literary device.

What is Voice?


In the novel The Outsiders, this character is dynamic character has the an impact on Ponyboy's epiphany at the beginning of the story of "regardless of your gang, you can still be who you are."

Who is Cherry Valance?


This is the adverb in this sentence.

"My dog ran to the door because he had to potty, badly."

What is "badly"?

Receded: to move backward

"As the waves receded, we chased it down the beach toward the ocean."

This word in the sentence above is the context clue to help the reader figure out that receded means "to move backward."

What is "toward"?


Paragraph: Narrative ::__________:Poetry

What is a Stanza?


A story told in this P.O.V exhibits a narrator that knows every detail every character in the novel.

What is 3rd Person Omniscient?


The is genre of the novel The Outsiders. 

a. Realistic Fiction    b. Biography    c. Argumentative Text   d. Non-Fiction

What is Realistic Fiction?


This is what's wrong with this sentence:

"Shows no improvement in your efficiency."

What is it's a fragment/missing the subject?


"It is possible to _____ information from one computer to another."

This word fits properly into the blank of the sentence.

a. confer  b. transfer  c. differ  d. inference

What is Transfer?


In this type of writing you may see familiar settings, themes that everyone can relate to, realistic plots or elements, and believable characters.

What is Realistic Fiction?
