the French general who conquered most of Europe in the early 1800's
Napoleon Bonaparte
Who was the big loser in both World Wars? (they were requested to PAY for all the damages after WW1).
the term for a group of languages based on the ancient language of the Roman Empire (Latin)
*(100 bonus pts if you can name the 3 main Romance Languages)
French, Spanish, Italian are the 3 main Romance languages.
This body of water separates the countries England & France
English Channel.
the NORTH SEA is the body of water that lies along Britain's east coast. What is it's greatest RESOURCE? *most valuable, boosts several countries' economies (Great Britain, Netherlands, etc.)
the world's most famous Playwright, from England.
* (100 bonus points for each play you can name that he wrote).
Romeo & Juliette, Hamlet, Midsummer Nights Dream, Othello, Much Ado About Nothing, King Lear, The Tempest, Julius Caesar, Macbeth, Taming the Shrew, etc.
what is another name for the "Middle Ages", (a period that is named because it falls between the ancient times and modern times)
Education is very important to Western Europe. What is the famous University in ENGLAND that was founded in 1096 (in the 11th century!)
the most widely used river in England, where the city of London was founded
*(100 bonus if you can pronounce it correctly)
Thames River (pronounced "Tims")
a feat of engineering created by the ancient Romans, a system used to carry WATER over long distances. What is the name of these structures?
German priest who thought the Catholic church was headed in a bad direction, so he began the Protestant Reformation in 1517.
the "Hundred Years War" was notable for several reasons (it actually lasted MORE than 100 yrs). What was the main cause of DEATH during this period?? Hint: it had nothing to do with actual fighting.
the Black Plague (Bubonic Plague, "Black Death") originated in Europe during this time period, killing millions of people.
what year was the EUROPEAN UNION formed?
this country dedicates more LAND than any other European nation to AGRICULTURE... making it the leading agricultural producer in the region.
the period during WWII where ~ 6-8 million Jews were killed.
This powerful dude is credited with bringing Christianity to Europe (through the Roman Empire)
Emperor CONSTANTINE - 312 A.D.
WHEN and WHERE was Europe's first high-speed train rail built?
FRANCE in 1981.
the unique language that is spoken in the Pyrenees region between France and Spain (this language is very different, does not sound like any other European language).
uncharacteristic for the area that is mostly rocky, several large Sand dunes have formed along the North Seas coastlines. How were these formed? *(be specific)
as a result of deposits left behind from melting glaciers, and wind/water erosion.
what is the mossy-like substance that grows in swampy "bog" areas, and the people cut it out, dry it, and then use it as a FUEL SOURCE (for fires... similar to burning wood).
name at least 2 famous musical composers from Western Europe (specifically Austria and Germany) who are probably some of the most well-known musicians in history. *(extra 100 points for more that you can name beyond 2).
Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, Schubert
How was the mighty Emperor Napoleon finally defeated? What was the main reason lost his power?
France's combined ENEMIES teamed up and fought together against Napoleon and the French army.
*(battle of Waterloo, 1815: England, Netherlands, Belgium, Prussia all teamed up and out-fought/out-smarted Napoleon)
the term to describe a shift from using Humans for work to using Machines to perform the work
*(100 bonus if you can name the period that this change began to take place, and 100 bonus if you can name the country where it started)
*the Industrial Revolution, started in ENGLAND in mid 1700's.
Great Britain (the island of Britain) is made up of 3 countries: ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, WALES.
Which 4 countries make up the UNITED KINGDOM?
England, Scotland, Wales, and NORTHERN IRELAND
what is the atmospheric climate pressure system that makes the southern part of France hotter and drier than the rest of the area?
(100 bonus if you can also name the TYPE of climate that this creates)
the AZORES HIGH (pressure system)
very famous English philosopher, used reason to study society, was an inspiration for writings such as the US Declaration of Independence, which speaks about Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
John Locke
What was the main cause of World War 1? *(think how we discussed this in class, and how you could describe or classify it in Geographer/Historical terms)
it started because of POLITICAL disagreements and alliances between the European powers. *(Germany felt like it was getting left out of the party)
the set of Indo-European languages that includes dialects such as: English, Dutch, Swedish, German, Yiddish (Jewish).
GERMANIC Languages
which large island in Western Europe was mostly controlled by the Romans until the Anglo-Saxons regained control in the early 400's ?
the Island of BRITAIN
what are TWO factors that make Europe's soil so fertile?
sediment deposits from glaciers,
and HUMUS (decaying plant/animal matter).