What is the flag of Europe ?
12 golden stars on a blue back drop
How do you spell 14 in french
What is I am and You are in French?
Je suis, tu es
Je suis triste.
Comment ca va?
Translate: There is a rabbit behind the table
Il y a un lapin derriere la table
Name 3 cities of France other than Paris
Marseille, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Lille, Nice, Montpellier...
How do you spell 50 in french
What is they are in French? (2 ways)
ils sont, elles sont
Il est midi et quart.
Quelle heure il est?
Can each person of the team name 2 typical things to eat from France
escargot, grenouilles, cheese, macarons, crepes, baguette, croissants ...
France has a very distinctive shape, what is it called?
An hexagon
How do you say and spell the word rainbow in french?
What is I have, you have, he has, she has in French?
J'ai, tu as, il a, elle a
Aujourd'hui c'est mardi 19 Novembre
Quelle est la date aujourd'hui?
Translate: I'm feeling great, thank you and you?
Ca va tres bien merci et toi?
Can you name the 6 countries that borders France
La Belgique, Le Luxembourg, La Suisse, L'Italie, L'espagne, L'allemagne
How do you say and spell the word winter
What is I do in French?
Je fais
Il y a des nuages
Quel temps fait-il?
Translate: The bedroom is next to the bathroom on the 1st floor and the kitchen is in between the living room and the dining room.
La chambre est a cote de la sale de bains au premier etage et la cuisine est ente le salon et la salle a manger.
On the white board, as a team, draw France and add 5 cities
How do you spell hour in french
What is I play in French?
Je joue
Ca coute $5.
Combien ca coute?
Can you rap (or not) the verb to do (faire)
Verbe faire - Présent de l'indicatif - Monsieur P - YouTube