Where should your powered-down phones be during the school day?
Out of sight. Either in your backpack or a zipped pocket.
Where should you be during end-of-day dismissal?
Seated at your assigned seat until your bus or name is called.
At the end of the day, I should be
my assigned seat
What are the names of the lunch workers?
Mrs. Gardner and Mrs. Medling
What is the intended use of your iPad?
For school work, not for personal use (gaming, YouTube, Ulta)
When I am giving the mini-lesson, list three things you should NOT do
After you finish using something in the classroom, you should do what with it when you're done?
Put it away
A bird in the hand is worth
Two in the bush
Why is it important to get the food you signed up for at lunchtime?
So that everyone gets what they signed up for
Where do your assignments get uploaded?
Google Classroom
If your classwork does not get completed during class time, it then becomes what?
Before leaving the classroom for your next class, what should you do?
Push in your chair.
Clean up any trash around your chair.
Those who live in glass houses
shouldn't throw stones
Students may wear hoods on this day
Hoodie Thursday
How should your iPad be when come to school in the morning?
Be fully or mostly charged
What should you do when you come into the classroom?
Sit in your assigned seat and be quiet
If you want to come to the portable for lunch, what should you do?
Ask Ms. Marshall BEFORE lunch
A penny saved is a penny
What is our IT person's name?
(First and Last)
Rob Hannenburg
When are assignments/assessments due?
On their due date!
What is ASP or BSP?
After School Program / Before School Program
A place to go with a teacher to work on assignments and get help.
2:30-3:30, Monday through Thursday.
6:30-7:30, Friday mornings
You can lead a horse to water
but you can't make him drink.
Don't say anything at all