What did God create first?
Light (Day and Night)
What did God create on the third day?
Dry land, plants, trees, fruits, flowers...
What did God create on the 5th day?
birds and sea animals
What did God create on the 7th day?
Nothing. He rested.
What did God create on the second day?
The sky. He separated the wet and dry.
What did God create on the fourth day?
Sun, moon, stars.
What did God create on day 6?
Animals and Man.
How long did it take God to create everything?
Six days.
What book of the Bible is creation?
What is the reason for the sun, moon, and stars being made?
To separate light from darkness. To give us day and night.
Who was created on Day 6?
Adam and Eve
What day did God say was "very good"?
Day 6
What did God say to create light on day 1?
"Let there be light"
What did God give man to eat?
plants and fruits
How did God create Eve?
From Adam's rib
In what state was the earth prior to the six days of creation?
Void, dark, formless.
what are the first three words of the Bible?
in the beginning...
What garden is mentioned during creation?
Garden of Eden
what specifically was man not allowed to eat from?
Tree of knowledge of good and evil
What did God make Adam from?
Dust from the ground