A chosen passage
What is a selection?
Were = ?
What is are?
Writing that is about facts and real events
What is nonfiction?
A reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right or wrong
What is an argument?
A passage from another usually with credit acknowledgment
What is a quote?
A single fact considered separately
What is a detail?
Where = ?
What is here?
The main thing the author is trying to communicate through a text
What is a central idea?
Factual information that supports a claim or belief, or helps prove whether something is true
What is evidence?
Language that is specific to an area of interest
What is lingo?
A mental state involving beliefs and feelings
What is an attitude?
We're = ?
What is we are?
These are devices used by nonfiction authors to creatively connect ideas through narrative.
What are embedded stories?
A concise sentence that summarizes the main argument or claim of an essay, research paper, or other piece of writing
What is a thesis statement?
The end toward which effort is directed
What is a goal?
An opinion reached after consideration
What is a conclusion?
Lie = ?
What is sit?
This is a short version of a text in your own words
What is a summary?
A structured discussion where two or more people present opposing arguments on a specific topic, aiming to persuade an audience that their viewpoint is correct, often following established rules and time limits to present their case
What is debate?
This includes the cover, the table of contents, and the introduction.
What is front matter?
A statement that makes something understandable
What is an explanation?
Lay = ?
What is put?
This is the weaving together of different ideas into one
What is a synthesis?
The quality or state of being self-governing coming from the Greek "self" + "law"
What is autonomy?
A systematic investigation or study of a particular subject matter to discover new facts or information
What is research?