What isn't being followed?
Scenarios 2
What isn't being followed? 2

I am looking at my calendar in order to plan for a big event in my life

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind


I am so angry at my kids. I go to work and yell at my friend. What habit is not being followed?

Be Proactive. 

You are responsible for your actions and behavior. Don't let your mood effect others.


Ducks that fly in a V-formation help each other act as a team. They help each other and use each other's strengths to achieve MORE than they could if flying alone.



My brother and I get to pick where our family goes this weekend. He wants to go to the park but I want to go to the mall. I'm older so I will get my way. What habit isn't being followed?

Think win-win.

You have to look at different perspectives.


-I listen more than I speak -I apologize quickly and sincerely when I make a mistake. -when listening, I try to see things from the other person's point of view, not just my own. what habit am I?

5 (seek first to understand, then to be understood) 


A collegue always comes up with excuses for his actions. He blames others for "starting" issues and never takes responsibility for all of the things he does. What habit is he not following?

What habit is not being followed?

Habit 1: Be proactive. He is reactive. Blaming others for his actions is wrong.


My grandmother reads everyday in order to keep her mind sharp. She says that everyone should continue to learn all of their lives, no matter how old they are.

Sharpen the Saw: She is taking care of her mind.


A friend comes to me to explain her difficult situation. I cut her off and tells her that few days back I was in the similar situation.

Which habit is not being followed here?

Habit 5: Seek first to understand then to be understood

Empathic Listening


I relax in nature by taking a walk

Sharpen the Saw


I am the best 3-point shooter on my basketball team but my friend doesn't pass me the ball. What habit isn't being followed?


We should work as a team and use each others' strengths to succeed


My uncle has diabetes. He should be eating healthy and exercising but he goes out to eat nearly every day and sits on the couch most of the day. What habit isn't being followed?

Sharpen the saw: he is not taking care of his body


My uncle has diabetes. He should be eating healthy and exercising but he goes out to eat nearly every day and sits on the couch most of the day. What habit isn't being followed?

Sharpen the saw: he is not taking care of his body


My friend is very upset and is crying. Instead of talking to her I just sit with her in silence because that is what she needs

Seek first to Understand, then to be Understood. 

We don't have to give advice or talk. We need to be silent until others are ready to talk and share.


I never use a planner. I am very disorganized and usually don't know what is happening each day.  What habit is not being followed?

Begin with the end in Mind - This allows you to PLAN your and gives you purpose


There are big rocks (important and urgent priorities) and little rocks in life. It is important to do the important and urgent things before others.

Put first things first


A boy in my class always comes up with excuses for his actions. He blames others for "staring" issues and never takes responsibility for all of the things he does. What habit is he not following?

Habit 1: Be proactive. He is reactive. Blaming others for his actions is wrong. 


I am upset but don't let it effect the rest of my day.

Be proactive: I'm in charge.


I am so tired. I never get time to relax and have fun. I feel like I'm constantly doing chores, homework, and I don't get enough sleep. What habit isn't being followed?

Sharpen the Saw

You need time to balance your mind, body, spirit and heart.


If I am a PEOPLE SMART person, I am likely really good at the habits: Think win-win and ______?

Synergize (teamwork)


I'm watching TV, Facebook, surfing the net and watching reels on instagram for more than 2 hours now. 

Which quadrant am I in and which habit is not being followed here? 

Quadrant 4

Habit: Put first things first
