Be Proactive
Get in the Habit
Put first things first
Seek first to understand, then to be understood
While walking down the hall, Todd gets tripped accidentally by Emily. He screams “Watch it, idiot!” Todd was being reactive.
What is reactive.
What are two ways to sharpen your mental saw?
Read a book. Study for a test. Watch an educational TV program. Write a short story
In the time quadrants, this type of person waits until the last minute to do very important things.
The Procrastinator.
VIDEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What kind of listening style are these students practicing?
Spacing out OR Pretend listening
What is another word for synergy that we talked about in class?
What does PBA stand for? Hint: B = Bank
Personal Bank Account
How can you sharpen your body saw?
Exercise. Go for a walk. Play a sport. Go for a jog. Eat healthy.
In the time quadrants, this person has a hard time saying no to anything and often says THIS to everything.
The Yes-Man.
What are two poor listening styles?
Spacing out. Pretend listening. Selective listening. Self-centered listening.
VIDEO!!!!!!! True or False: Are these two practicing synergy? If yes, how? If no, why?
No they are not practicing synergy. They aren't working together. They aren't brainstorming or talking.
What is the one thing you can control in your life?
What is yourself.
How can you sharpen your heart saw? Bonus point: What was the picture that I showed you guys last Friday?
Build relationships. Make deposits in your PBA. Laugh.
What is one way you can help yourself stay organized?
Get a planner. Keep a To-do list of important tasks.
How does it make someone feel when you don't listen to them or practice a poor listening style? Hint: Think back to the activity we did in class...
Frustrated. Hurt. Upset. Not appreciated. Like your opinions don't matter.
What are two examples of groups that practice synergy? Bonus point: How do you know they are synergizing?
Sports teams. Successful businesses that brainstorm. Teachers (Blue house, Shasta staff!) Playing video games with a team to achieve one common goal.
What is one thing you can do to put a deposit into your personal bank account?
What is doing something nice for someone else. Helping around the house. Doing your chores. Giving someone a compliment
How can you sharpen your soul saw?
Meditate. Pray. Keep a journal.
We talked about little and big types of these. What are they? And what does it mean? Bonus point: Give me an example of one of each in your life.
Big rocks and little rocks. Big rocks could be: studying for a test, doing your homework, cleaning your room, doing your chores. Little rocks could be: talking with your friends, facebook, video games...
How can you show someone you are genuinely listening to them?
Look them in the eyes. Respond appropriately to what they are saying. Put yourself in their shoes.
Why is practicing synergy and teamwork important?
Helps people to come up with more ideas as a group. More creative ideas. Everyone's opinions and ideas can be heard.
Give an example of how you were proactive in the past weekend?
Answers will vary...
Who can give an example of one way that they "sharpened the saw" this past weekend?
Answers will vary...
Why is "Putting first things first" important to your life?
Helps you stay organized. Stops procrastination. Allows you to spend time doing things you enjoy without stress.
Why is genuine listening important to both you and others around you?
Helps people share ideas. Makes people feel important. Shows people that you care.
Can you give an example of when you used synergy with a team or a group? Did you feel successful as a group?
Answers will vary...