The Statue of Zeus/The Colossus of Rhodes
The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
The Lighthouse of Alexandria/ The Great Pyramid
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

Why did Phidias sculpt the statue of Zeus? 

To honor Zeus, the king of the Greek gods


Why was the Temple of Artemis built? 

The Temple of Artemis was built to honor the Greek goddess Artemis. 

Who was the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus built to honor? 

King Mausolus


Where was the Lighthouse of Alexandria built? 

It was built on an island in the Great Harbor of Alexandria, located in Egypt. 


What did a king supposedly build for his queen? 

Supposedly, King Nebuchadnezzar built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon for his queen. 


Describe the statue of Zeus - what was it made of and how tall was it? 

It was made of ivory and gold and was 40 feet tall. 


How did the temple built in the 3rd century BCE compare to previous temples? 

The temple built in the 3rd century BCE was larger and more decorated than previous temples. 


Why did his wife hire four famous Greek sculptors? 

She hired four famous Greek sculptors so that each sculptor could decorate one of the four sides of the building. 


How does the Lighthouse of Alexandria differ from the other Wonders of the Ancient world? 

It is the only one that had a practical purpose - to guide sailors' safe entry into the harbor. 


Why do archeologists question this information? 

They have found no physical evidence of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon at the site of ancient Babylon. 

Do either the statue of Zeus or the Colossus of Rhodes remain standing? What happened to each of them? 

There is no trace of the statue of Zeus, except for images on Greek coins. 

The Colossus was brought down by an earthquake, and the pieces were sold for scrap metal. Not a trace remains. 


What was the temple made of? 

The temple was made entirely of marble. 


What was the mausoleum made of? 

The mausoleum was made of stone and marble. 


How does the Great Pyramid differ from the other Wonders of the Ancient World? 

It is the only wonder that is still standing today. 


What is another theory that is proposed regarding the Hanging Gardens of Babylon? 

A researcher proposed that the gardens had existed at a different location. She said that an earlier Syrian king built the gardens near Nineveh, a city approximately 300 miles to the north of Babylon. 


Describe the Colossus of Rhodes - what was it made of and how tall was it? 

It was made of bronze, and was 110 feet tall. 


Describe the columns.

There were 127 columns holding up the roof - they were 60 feet tall. 

From what remains of the mausoleum, what else do we know about its appearance? 

It had magnificent columns. 


Why was the Great Pyramid constructed? 

It was built as a tomb for the Egyptian pharaoh (king) Khufu. 


What was the artificial mountain made of, and how high was it? 

The artificial mountain was filled with dirt and plants. It was 80 feet high. 


The Colossus was a statue of which god? Why did the Greeks on Rhodes want to honor him? 

The Colossus was a statue of the Greek god Helios. They wanted to honor Helios to thank him for protecting their freedom. 


Summarize what you know about the appearance of the Temple of Artemis and why it was built. (looking for 4 pieces of information)

The Temple of Artemis: 1. was beautiful, larger, and more decorated than previous temples, 2. made entirely of marble, 3. had 127 columns that were 60 feet tall, and 4. built to honor the Greek god Artemis. 


Is the Mausoleum still standing today? What happened to it and its remains?

An earthquake destroyed it in the 13th century. Many of its remains were used to build the Bodrum Castle, and later were moved to the British Museum.


Describe the construction of the Great Pyramid. 

It was made of more than 2 million stones that average two and a half tons each. The stones were placed so close together that a credit card cannot slip between them. 


How did they water such a high garden? 

A complicated water lifting device brought water from a nearby river or lake. 
