Age difference between Randy and Robin.
How long is 2 minutes?
Seeing this at age 14 in 1968 on the way to Terry's graduation from the Coast Guard Academy made Robin want to see more of the world.
Where is Niagra Falls?
Except for Packer gear, Robin had more of these in his closet than anything as Lindsay and Travis grew up.
What are Breck athletic socks? (Calf high with Blue/Gold stripes)
Grandpa wants to play this character in the remake of Frozen.
Who is Olaf?
Robin busted out this $18 piece of clothing for his first date with Karen and wore to his college graduation (without a gown to cover it).
What is a maroon corduroy sports jacket?
Randy and Robin performed this act as part of the "Fantasy Fair" theme for the 1963 Kiddie Karnival in Green Bay.
What are "Conjoined Twins" or Siamese Twins (term used in 1963)?
This was state #50 in our quest to have the family visit all 50 states.
Where is New Mexico?
Travis took it out on this when he was angry with Dad the first year we lived in this house (1992).
What is a cardboard cut-out of Dad Man?
Robin attended a Packer game in 2023 with this famous singer.
Who is Taylor Swift?
Karen was using this color glove when playing 1st base during Robin's unassisted triple play in a social security softball game in Roxbury.
What is blue?
According to Robin/Grandpa/Dad, this was the best part of the annual Mother's of Twins picnic held at Colburn Park in Green Bay.
What is unlimited soda? (I really pounded the Grape Nehi)
Since I brought $20, Randy brought this much money on our epic trip to Virginia Beach, Virgina with Terry as part of our 18th birthday celebration in 1972.
What is $10?
Dad use to do this as a defensive technique when playing basketball against the kids in the driveway.
What is a jog/walk around a car in the garage?
Robin's first day of kindergarten was noteworthy for this incident.
How do you get lost walking home for lunch?
Karen wore this ring for years in place of a "real engagement ring."
What is a blue plastic Josten's sizer ring?
Robin/Dad/Grandpa's favorite Halloween Costume while working at Breck.
Who is Randy? (Refer to Breck Middle School Announcements on Friday, October 31, 2008)
This is the only country Robin has visited in the Southern Hemisphere.
Where is Peru?
Considered this his greatest in game coaching accomplishment in nearly 40 years of coaching?
What is moving Lindsay to pitcher when losing to Marco's team 10 - 0 so we could eventually tie the game in an undefeated season?
The first broken bone Robin sustained?
What is a clavicle (also known as a collarbone)?
Robin dropped Karen's tiny wedding ring this many times during their wedding ceremony in Ormsby Hall, and the last time she helped him find it under her dress.
What is three?
On a memorable "one and only" Twin double date in 1976 Robin brought this up as a conversation ice breaker in an effort to get Randy's date to talk.
"Do you shop in Appleton, I hear it is good shopping?"
This is the only Spanish word Robin remembered in the Lima airport after studying Spanish on Duolingo for at least a year.
What is La Manzana (apple)? (Correct if given in any language)
Possibly because he was forced to play the accordian as a youngster, Robin listed this below "Eating Cupcakes" on the family priority list.
What is Band?
Robin's favorite teacher, Mr. Gregoire, who taught woodworking, was missing this and that probably fueled Robin's fear of working with power saws.
What is a finger?
Robin and Karen found this on their first date and it sits in a file folder in Robin's file cabinet.
What is a one dollar bill?