On this show, Archie's kindest nickname for his son-in-law was “MEATHEAD”
All in the Family
Though robbed of the Best Picture Oscar, this film won three awards, including Best Musical Score.
What is Saturday night alright for?
Fighting, according to Elton John
In the 2000's we had apple-bottomed jeans, but in the 1970's these type of jeans were worn without hearing a sound.
bell-bottomed jeans
The first version of this toy consisted of two tempered glass balls, later replaced by plastic due to fear of shattering during play
This show starred an actor married to one of "Charlie's Angels".
The Million Dollar Man
At the time of his win, this actor was the youngest to win the Best Actor award.
Richard Dreyfuss
The lyric, "Our hearts were ringin', in the key that our souls were singin' " belongs to this song
What is September by E, W & F
This type of footwear would definitely make Janie feel taller
What are platform shoes?
Entrepreneur Gary Dahl was joking around with friends one night in 1975 about this perfect pet. Once this novelty landed in Newsweek and on the Tonight Show, it was an instant hit.
What is The Pet Rock
The kids on this show had a successful recording career with such songs as “SUNSHINE DAY” and “TIME TO CHANGE”
The Brady Bunch
Though now held by Anthony Hopkins, this actor's win for Best Supporting Actor in "THE SUNSHINE BOYS" made him the oldest winner in history.
George Burns
This "Yacht Rocker" got his big break creating such jingles for the likes of Pepsi, State Farm, Band-Aid, and McDonald's
Barry Manilow
When cousin Eddie wore this on Christmas Eve, you knew it was going to be a good time.
What is a leisure suit?
This space-age drink first appeared in the late 50's but sky-rocketed to success in the 1970's
The first late, late show, it aired on NBC after “THE TONIGHT SHOW”
Which actor/actress received the most active nominations during the 1970's?
Jack Nicholson
In 1979, the famous "Disco Demolition" took place in this Chicago park
Comiskey Park
This material is named for what you would call a parrot and also a female's name in the Bible
What is polyester?
This popular phrase was influenced by the CB culture meaning "where are you" or "what is your location".
"What's your 20?"
The producers of this show loved the theme song so much, that they changed the name of the show
Welcome Back Kotter
Three films in the 1970s received (11) Academy Nominations- Chinatown (1), Julia (3), and THIS film, which did not win a single award
The Turning Point
This 1975 Sweet hit single landed its way into the #1 spot on iTunes in 2016 as a part of the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.II soundtrack
What is Fox On the Run
This 1970s fashion designer not only dressed Cher but also Carol Burnett.
Who is Bob Mackie?
This automotive CRAZE ended the era of the muscle car and was considered a form of self-expression
The custom van craze