Reflexive Verbs look different from regular infinitives. What is different about a Spanish Reflexive verb?
It has the reflexive pronoun se attached to the infinitive.
How can we recognize a Spanish Reflexive verb?
It has the Reflexive Pronoun se attached to the infinitive.
How do we say in Spanish:
She is taking a bath now (ahora).
Ella se baña ahora.
How do we say in Spanish:
I get dressed for school.
Yo me visto para (la) escuela.
Correcto o Incorrecto:
Ella nos levantamos tarde (late)
Secarse means to dry yourself- Verdadero o Falso
AT 8 in the evening I brush my teeth.
How do we say the following in Spanish:
You (informal) shave on Friday.
Tú te afeitas el viernes.
How do we say in Spanish:
We are waking up early (temprano).
Nosotros nos despertamos temprano.
Correcto o Incorrecto?
" Yo no me afeito los lunes"
Cierto o Falso:
Stem-changing verbs do not exist with Reflexives.
Name the five Spanish Reflexive Pronouns.
What is me, te, se, nos, os?
How do we say the following in Spanish:
We put on make up today.
Nosotros nos maquillamos hoy.
How do we say in Spanish:
They are not going to bed now.
Ellos no se acuestan ahora.
Correcto o Incorrecto:
Nosotros se acuestan temprano
Give the definition of a Reflexive verb. What does it say about the action?
It is a verb that reflects the action back to the subject. In other words, the subject performs the action on/to/for herself/himself/themselves?
Give the English meanings of the five Reflexive Pronouns, me, te, se, nos and os?
te=yourself (tú),
se=himself, herself, yourself (Ud.),
How do we say in Spanish:
I am taking off the jacket (la chaqueta)?
Yo me quito la chaqueta.
How do we say in Spanish:
You (formal) sit down quickly (rápidamente)
Ud. se sienta rápidamente.
Me duermo a las 9 todos los dias. (everyday)
Name for Reflexive verbs in Spanish you have learned.
Senora Phillips elige la respuesta correcta :)
Translate into Spanish: I wash my hands before (antes de) eating.
Me lavo las manos antes de comer.
How do we say in Spanish:
She gets sad in class.
Ella se pone triste en (la) clase.
How do you say in Spanish:
I am getting sad.
Me pongo triste.
Correcto o Incorrecto:
Mi amigo Miguel se queda dormido (asleep) muy rapido (fast)