Which article of faith is this?
We believe all that God has revealed, all that he does now reveal, and we believe that he will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the kingdom of God
Article Number 9
What is a group of lions called?
What is Spongebob's house made out of?
What is this cat's name?
Grumpy Cat
Where did apple pie originate?
Name all of Nephi's brothers
Laman, Lemuel, Sam, Jacob, Joseph
Name a land mammal that can't jump
Elephant, Sloth, Hippo, Rhino
Who is the manager from The Office?
Michael Scott
Give 3 examples of today's slang
highkey, lowkey, vibes, extra, tea, netflix and chill
What does M&M stand for?
Mars and Murrie
What is Scotland's national animal?
What is the name of the bald girl from Stranger Things
What are "old" people referred to AS A JOKE (please no irritated folks thank youuuu)
What letter DOESN'T appear on the periodic table?
Who said this: "Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith"
What is the name of this animal?
Who are two characters in the friend group in the tv show Friends
Joey, Chandler, Pheobe, Monica, Rachel, Ross
What did Tom Holland say in Infinity War that became a meme?
"Mr. Stark I don't feel so good"
What is a single strand of spaghetti called?
A spaghetto (it sounds like a dad joke but it's not)
Who was the antichrist in Alma 30? (starts with a k)
Name 5 baby animals
chick, cub, puppy, kitten, joey, tadpole (for example)
What movie has gotten the most Oscars?
Titanic (plus noms)
Recite 3 CLEAN vines
hahahahaa don't worry I know vines if you lie I will know
What is the most popular water brand?