The first battle of the Revolutionary War was?
Lexington and Concord
Who was the richest man that funded the Revolutionary War for the Americans?
John Hancock
What rights does the first Amendment give to all U.S. citizens?
Freedom of speech, religion, assembly/protest, and petition/complain
What was the name of the yogurt store Shosh dumped her yogurt on Chase?
Heaven on Ice
A type of lightbulb.
In what battle did the British charge a hill three times?
Bunker Hill
Who is the most famous traitor in American history?
Benedict Arnold
What right does the second amendment give?
Right to bear arms, have a gun
What was Brendan doing in the cafeteria when he saw Chase?
Making a YouTube video.
A young person who gets in trouble.
What battle lasted 2 months?
James Armistead was the most successful spy in the Revolutionary War, he was also a ......
What does the FBI stand for?
Federal Bureau of Investigation
In the office when Chase was talking to the principal, what two pictures did he see?
A picture of himself and an old picture of his dad winning the state championship.
intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval:
How many men encamped at Valley Forge?
This founding father invented bifocals.
Benjamin Franklin
What does the CIA stand for?
Central Intelligence Agency
What did Chase think Helene was thinking when he said hi to her and asked about her doll?
Like he was going to eat her.
deduce or conclude (information) from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements
What was the last battle of the Revolutionary War? And what two countries helped the Americans?
The Battle of Yorktown
Spain and France
This founding father wrote the Declaration of Independence.
Thomas Jefferson
What branch of government is in control of making laws in the country?
What is the name of the prep school Joel was sent off to?
a flexible strap or belt used in the form of a loop to support or raise a weight