Nature of Science
Physical Science
Earth Science
Life Science

Brodie is conducting an experiment to observe which type of light will allow sunflowers to grow the tallest. He put put three sunflowers in identical pots with the same type of soil. He placed them in three different locations dark closet, window, and outside. 

Which of these is the test (independent) variable in Brodie's experiment? 

A. the type of fertilizer

B. the amount of growth

C. the location of the sunflowers

D. the sunflower that grows the least

C. The location of the sunflower is the independent variable in this experiment. 

The variable that the scientist controls in the experiment (what is being tested) 


An apple falls from the tree. What force makes the apple fall to the ground? 

A. wind

B. potential energy

D. gravity 

D. the sun

D. gravity


Jet streams are ____________________.

A. ocean currents near land

B. fast- moving narrow currents in the ocean 

C. thin clouds high in the sky made by an airplane

D. fast- moving narrow bands of wind

D. fast- moving narrow bands of wind


What geological feature is created when piles of sediment form at the mouth of a river? 

A. delta

B. dune

C. mountain

D. stream

A. delta


The Blank Slate theory popularized by John Locke in 1689, states that individuals are born without built-in mental content and that their knowledge comes from experience and perception. Modern research suggests that genes and other family traits inherited from birth, along with innate instincts of course, also play a very important role.

What do the theories on when and how we obtain knowledge show about scientific knowledge? 

A. the older the theory the more correct it is 

B. scientists do not need to support their findings

C. theories get replaced over time

D. new evidence can replace scientific knowledge

D. new evidence can replace scientific knowledge


Brodie is conducting an experiment to observe which type of light will allow sunflowers to grow the tallest. He put put three sunflowers in identical pots with the same type of soil. He placed them in three different locations dark closet, window, and outside. 

Which of the following types of scientific investigation is Brodie conducting. 

A. a model to represent sunflower growth

B. a simulation to imitate sunflower growth

C. a field study to observe sunflower growth

D. a controlled experiment to test a hypothesis about sunflower growth 

D. a controlled experiment to test a hypothesis about plant growth 


Which of the following is an example of an object having the most gravitational potential energy? 

A. a ball sitting on the ground

B. a ball being rolled on the ground

C. a ball at the highest point when it is tossed in the air

D. a ball in your hands getting ready to be tossed into the air

C. a ball at the highest point when it is tossed in the air


Which type of erosion happens when the ground collapses where acid rain has dissolved underground limestone and left a void? 

A. mushroom rock

B. canyon

C. sinkhole

D. gold mine 

C. sinkhole


Which organ system is made of tissue? 

A. heart

B. cell

C. skeletal 

D. atom

A. heart


Why would a scientific theory change? 

A. it gets to old

B. new evidence is found that does not fit the theory

C. theories cannot change

D. a more popular scientist finds something new

B. new evidence is found that does not fit the theory


When Kiley conducted her experiment she wrote down all the details in every step of the process. Why was it important for her to record this information? 

A. It will force classmate scientists to prove the hypothesis. 

B. It will allow classmate scientist to change one variable each time they repeat the experiment. 

C. It will keep other classmate scientists from doing the exact same experiment. 

D. It will allow other classmate scientists to perform the same experiment to see if they get similar results.  

D. It will allow other classmate scientists to perform the same experiment to see if they get similar results.


What force is responsible for moving the water to the bottom of a dunk tank? 

A. potential energy

B. gravity

C. friction

D. magnetic 

B. gravity


Which of the following is the best example of the hydrosphere and geosphere interacting? 

A. a fish swimming in water

B. rain falling on the ground

C. polar bears standing on ice glaciers

D. a rabbit digging a burrow

B. rain falling on the ground


__________ is the smallest unit of life in a living organism. 

A. molecule

B. cell

C. nucleus

D. organ 

B. cell


For the first time, scientists at the University of Florida have observed ripples in the fabric of spacetime called gravitational waves, arriving at the earth from a cataclysmic event in the distant universe. This confirms a major prediction of Albert Einstein’s 1915 general theory of relativity and opens an unprecedented new window onto the cosmos.

 What must happen before this discovery can become a scientific theory? 

A. It needs to become a law first.

B. Scientists at UF are professionals so it automatically becomes a theory. 

C. The validity of their findings needs to be verified  by many other scientists. 

D. It needs to be published. 

C. The validity of their findings needs to be verified  by many other scientists.


The independent variable is _____________?

A. the variable that you measure 

B. the variable that the scientists control or test

C. what stays the same in the experiment

D. the hypothesis in the experiment 

B. The variable that the scientist controls in the experiment (what is being tested)


A roller coaster slowing down as it comes to a stop, is an example of? 

A. unbalanced force

B. balanced force

A. unbalanced force


The growth of plants and trees affect the ___________. 

A. average temperature in the atmosphere

B. sunlight entering the atmosphere

C. amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

D. amount of oxygen in the atmosphere 

D. amount of oxygen in the atmosphere


What is the only way to support that organisms are made of cells? 

A. looking at an aloe leaf under a microscope

B. looking at an aloe leaf under a telescope 

C. looking at an aloe leaf under a magnifying class

D. looking at an aloe leaf with the naked eye

A. looking at an aloe leaf under a microscope


_______________ is the process that transfers energy from the sun to Earth. 

A. gravity

B. convection

C. radiation

D. conduction 

C. radiation


How do scientists go about repeating an experiment in order to test their accuracy? 

A. they look at the hypotheses to copy the experiment and see if they get the same results

B. they change one of the variables in the experiment and then try it again to see if they get the same results

C. they repeat the detailed steps written from the previous scientist and copy the steps to see if they get the same results

D. scientists do not need to test the accuracy of experiments 

C. they repeat the detailed steps written from the previous scientist and copy the steps to see if they get the same results


If two dogs are pulling on a chew toy as equally hard, what will you see happening to the toy? 

A. nothing it will not move at all

B. it will fall to the ground

C. one of the dogs will move toward the other dog

D. both dogs will trip and fall 

A. nothing it will not move at all


The sun shines directly on the land and water at the same time. What happens? 

A. both heat up equally to the same temperature at the same amount of time

B. the land heats up quicker than the water

C. the water heats up quicker than the land

D. nothing happens because land and water cannot absorb heat from the sun

B. the land heats up quicker than the water


What structure can you see under a microscope that is in a plant cell but NOT in an animal cell? 

A. nucleus

B. cytoplasm

C. cell wall

D. leaves

C. cell wall


Between June - August it is hot, humid and rains about 2 inches. This is a description of __________. 

A. temperature

B. weather

C. climate

D. Florida in the summer 

C. climate
