This 1950s-1960s social campaign, led by figures such as Martin Luther King Jr. and John Lewis, focused on abolishing legalized segregation, discrimination, and disenfranchisement in the US.
Civil Rights Movement.
In this Italian story and Disney movie, “Donkey Fever” is a disease native to the Land of Toys that is only contracted by children who don’t listen.
The Krusty Krab sells these like hot cakes!
Krabby Patties
Jason Bourne, Private Ryan, Mark Watney.
Matt Damon.
Before there were 'Eras' this Iberian Master had periods. Blue ones and rose ones and cubed ones.
Pablo Picasso.
Experiences "Jewish Horror" at post-funeral get together, Grogu does.
Shiva Baby Yoda.
Frederick Jackson Turner helped popularize this idea, which stated that Americans were “destined” to expand westward in the 1800s.
Manifest Destiny.
Chordyceps is the zombie-inducing fungus described in this video game and later, this HBO tv show.
The Last of Us.
This drink becomes all the rage in Bikini Bottom, prompting outlets selling the beverage to open on every street corner.
Kelp Shake
Princess Fiona, Mary Jenson, Tina Carlyle.
Cameron Diaz.
The Sagrada Família in Spain is the largest unfinished Catholic church in the world, designed by This Man, over 140 years ago.
Antoni Gaudí.
The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn of The Dead.
This ~crispy~ confrontation between working class British colonizers and colonial governor William Berkeley took place in the late 1670s.
Bacon's Rebellion.
Groat’s Disease causes a slow, painful death in this HBO program.
Curb Your Enthusiasm.
Bubble Bass is caught red-handed hiding this topping under his tongue, along with car keys.
Erik Killmonger, Adonis Creed, Vince Howard.
Michael B. Jordan.
The geometrically inspired ceiling of This Spanish palace have boggled the senses since the Moorish occupation.
The Alhambra.
Cards fan nickname that touches Sweden, Finland, Poland and Dennmark.
The Greatest Fans in BaseBaltic Sea.
This 1800s movement, which emphasized the “goodness of nature,” was practiced by many notable figures such as Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Margaret Fuller.
“Captain Trips” was the slang name for the deadly strain of influenza causing apocalyptic conditions in this Steven King novel.
The Stand.
After eating 3 orders of this snack, Patrick’s foul breath knocks a fish unconscious.
Fried Oyster Skins
Alonzo Harris, Coach Herman Boone, Malcolm X.
Denzel Washinton.
The Garden Of Earthly Delights.
Chicago World's Fair terrorizer hangs out with Mr. Met and catches a game here.
The Devil in the White Citi Field.
The Temperance Movement was very active in this state, with an 1851 law making production and consumption of alcohol illegal within its borders (becoming the first “dry” state).
Amoria Phlebitis, a fake disease from this Fox program, is characterized by sharp, stabbing pains in the stomach, a shooting pain in the arm and temporary loss of vision.
The Simpsons.
In “The Fry Cook Games,” SpongeBob sticks the landing in the Chocolate High Dive by coating himself in this.
Toasted Almonds
Thomasin, Beth Harmon, Olga of the Birch Forest.
Anya Taylor-Joy.
Masterpiece by Joeseph William Turner currently displayed in MFA Boston.
The Slave Ship (Slavers Throwing overboard the Dead and Dying—Typhon coming on).
The Arch's nickname gains online notoriety for love bombing, ghosting, and making expensive furniture.
Gateway to the West Elm Caleb.