At the door, Inside
IWhat is the Inner Gate Keeper?
Loyalty and True Friendship
Scarlet Line
What is a Candidate called in a M.M.D. degree?
What is the Candidate called in a T K. degree?
Caleb and Joshua
How many spies did Joshua send to Jericho and what were their names?
In the North
What is the Junior Attendant?
The Lion, the Ox, the Eagle, and The Man
What are the names of the four symbolic Animals?
11th Chapter of St Mark
What is the Book of the Bible and Chapter the M.M.D. Degree is open on?
Ruth 12-17
What book of the Bible and Chapter is the TK degree found on?
Love, Friendship and Honor, the Lesson of Wisdom
What are the important Lessons taught in the court of HOJ?
In the South, on the left of the throne
What is the Court Secretary?
Black, Crimson, Orange, Green
What are the Four Standards and their Colors?
A Palm Leaf
What is the Emblem displayed on the Bible?
Blue Cord
What is the Proper Color of the T.K. and it's emblem?
What is a symbol of proficiency and perfection, merit and virtue as a Lady of the exalted degree of the HOJ?
On the Left and in in front of the throne
What is the Worthy Chaplain?
Michael, Gabriel, Auriel, and Raphael
What are the names of the Archangels that presided over the four corners of the world?
What is the Emblem of Purity?
Three, Signs, a Pass word, a True word, True grip, and a Test.
What proof can you give to make yourself known as a T.K?
A Scarlet Cord
What is reminds me of approaching danger and that I was bound to HOJ in cords that cannot be broken?
Most Worthy Joshua
Vice Joshua
Court Directors
What are the Positions held by males?
Peace and Joy
What does the emblem of Oil mean?
Household of the Fairhful
What we crave to be received and adopted in?
The most important symbol of True Kinsman?
Ark of the Covenant, the Holy Bible and the Three Burning Tapers.
What are the three most important emblematic lights off the HOJ court?