What is a sacrament? And name an example.
A sacred rite of the Church believed to be necessary for salvation. Baptism, First Communion, Marriage
What were the three vows taken by monks and nuns?
Obedience, poverty, and chastity.
What is an interdict?
An order excluding an entire town or region from receiving the sacraments.
Why did people call for reform in the Church?
To address abuses of power and corruption within the Church.
What restrictions were imposed on Jews in medieval Europe?
They were often banned from owning land and restricted in their occupations.
What is meant by the term ‘age of faith’?
It refers to the period in the Middle Ages when religion, especially Christianity, was central to daily life.
How did monasteries contribute to education during the Middle Ages?
They preserved ancient texts, provided education, and set up schools and libraries.
What is excommunication?
It is the act of excluding someone from participation in the sacraments of the Church.
Why did some clergy live in luxury?
Corruption and the accumulation of wealth led many clergy to live in luxury, ignoring their vows.
What is the split between East and West called?
The Great Schism.
Name three areas of Europe that became Christian between 476 and 1050.
Scandinavia, Germany, and Poland, Russia
Describe the daily life of monks and nuns in a monastery.
Their day was divided into worship, work, and study, often including manual labor and prayer.
What was canon law?
The Church’s own body of laws governing its members and practices.
Who was St. Francis of Assisi and what did he do?
He founded the Franciscan Order and emphasized living in poverty and serving the poor.
What role did Jews play in the economy of medieval Europe?
They often served as moneylenders, as the Church forbade Christians from usury.
Why were the sacraments so important to people in medieval Europe?
They were essential to achieve salvation and played a role in major life events.
What was the Benedictine Rule?
A set of guidelines created by St. Benedict to regulate monastic life, including vows of obedience, poverty, and chastity.
What is papal supremacy?
The doctrine that the pope has authority over all secular rulers.
What were the roles of friars?
They were monks who traveled and preached to the poor, spreading Christianity.
What Church came out of the Byzantine Empire
Greek Orthodox Christian Church
What were some of the “main events” of a person’s life that were celebrated in the village church?
Baptism, marriage, and last rites.
Under Benedictine rule, Benedict suggested the monks divide their days into 3 things. What were they?
Work, worship, study.
How did the Church gain secular power?
By denying the sacraments, which gave the Church power over Christians.
What were the main goals of the Cluniac reforms?
To eliminate abuses of power and corruption within the Church.
What were the main differences between Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Christianity?
Differences included views on papal supremacy, the use of icons, and language (Greek vs. Latin).