Brian Peddle
The shortest verse
John 11:35
"Jesus _________
When it started
This is the year The Salvation Army started
Teaching The Gospel, sharing truths of God's Word with OTHERS
Divisional Commander
Jim Arrowood
John 3:16a
"For God so loved the ___________,
that He gave His only begotten Son...
The Name of the Chapel
The iconic Red Kettle started in this city
What is San Fransisco
Humbling yourself before the Almighty, fighting the evils of the world on your knees
Prayer Warrior
DHQ Candidates Counselor
Judy Griswold
Matthew 28:19
"Therefore, Go and make ___________
of all nations...
This building was named for Steven Lanier
The Gymnasium
This NFL Team is famous for "kicking off" the Kettle Season each year
The Dallas Cowboys
Leading your flock in glorifying God with music...
Samuel Mhasvi for example
Worship Leader
Divisional Youth Leaders
Jay or Jamie Spalding
2 Corinthians 12:9
"He said to me, "My ________ is
sufficient for you
The last building that has been dedicated
Holz Hall
These two words are on The Salvation Army Flag
Blood & Fire
Helping OTHERS overcome the crippling effects of grief, poverty, addiction & disasters...Just to name a few
Territorial Commander
Willis Howell
Hebrews 11:6
"But without ___________ it is ___________
to please Him..."
Faith , Impossible
This is on the right hand side right before you get to the softball field
Grave Yard
This was the original name of The Salvation Army
The East London Christian Mission
Following in Christ's footsteps, feeding the hungry, visiting the lonely, loving the unlovable
Servant Leader