Who is the Trinity?
The Father, Son, & Holy Spirit
What is Grace?
God/The Holy Spirit dwelling within you
How many Sacraments are there?
If Sacraments are all about GRACE - What does Baptism do?
Gives you Grace for the first time.
God prepared the world to send his Son through one chose race. Who was that Chosen People?
How do you get to Heaven? (The ordinary way)
Repent, Be Baptized, & Die in a State of Grace/Have the Holy Spirit in You
(Incorrect - "Be a good person")(Insufficient- "Have faith in God")
The definition is "An Outward Sign, Instituted by Christ, to give Grace"
What is a Sacrament?
If Sacraments are all about GRACE - What does Eucharist do?
A weekly nourishment of the Grace of God (this is why you should go to Mass every week)
Where did Jesus go after he died but before he rose on the 3rd day?
To Hell - to preach/free all of humanity that was waiting there.
If the Holy Spirit comes and lives in you at your Baptism, how can you lose it?
Committing a mortal (deadly, killing) sin
Baptism, Eucharist, & Confirmation
What is the Catholic belief about the Eucharist?
What is the Bible about?
Its a love story about how God saves the world. He prepares the world in the Old Testament (Jews) and saves it in the New Testament with Jesus and his creating the Catholic Church.
If you commit a Mortal Sin and lose Grace, how do you get the Holy Spirit back?
What are the two Sacraments when you need Healing?
Body Healing - Anointing of the Sick
Soul Healing (from sin) - Confession
If Sacraments are all about GRACE - What does Holy Orders do?
Gives a man the ability/power to perform the Sacraments (No man can forgive sin or turn bread into God's flesh! Only by Grace given at Holy Orders)
Adam and Eve sin and break the world with their sin. Name one of the consequences.
Deprivation, Evil, Sin, Suffering, Death, and Hell
Confirmation comes from the latin word - "confirmare". What does it mean?
To Strengthen (You are strengthening the grace/bond of baptism)
What are the two Sacraments for a calling or Vocation in life?
Marriage and Holy Orders (Deacon, Priest, & Bishop)
What is the difference between a secular (non-religious) marriage and a Catholic, Sacramental Marriage?