Is Addiction a Disease?
Yes, The American Society Addiction Medicine (ASAM) defines Addiction as a primary, chronic disease of brain reward, motivation, memory and related circuitry.
This medication is often used to treat opioid use addiction.
True or False: If I make one mistake in my recovery then I have relapsed and ruined all of my work.
No one does recovery "perfectly," lapses/slip-ups will happen, but we have control over what we do after the lapse. Everyone will make mistakes in their recovery.
Process that allows you to sit still, clear your mind, and focus on breathing.
Abstain from ALL illicit drugs and alcohol is called?
What is the most common substance abused in the United States?
This person helps you develop skills to maintain recovery.
Counselor or therapist
When does relapse normally occur?
Within the first 30 days.
True or False: Coping skills are used to avoid problems in our lives?
Coping skills help us work through our problems and emotions. But they can be used to help regulate our emotions through distractions so we are better able to use other skills like reframing, assertiveness, etc.
How does stigma surrounding addiction affect relapse prevention efforts?
Stigma can deter individuals from seeking help or disclosing their struggles, leading to social isolation and decreased access to support services, which increases the risk of relapse.
What is the process of ridding the body from a substance?
What is the process of gradually reducing the dosage of a substance to help with withdrawal symptoms?
This term refers to the urge to use a substance again.
List 3 skills you have learned in treatment that support your recovery.
List Examples.
This account for about half of a person's risk for addiction
It can treat opioid overdose in an emergency situation.
Practice healthy ___ ____ to overcome cravings and triggers.
Coping skills
True or False: A relapse prevention plan should not be revised and re-evaluated
False. A relapse prevention plan should be continually looked at and re-evaluated to ensure that it fits current feelings, situations, etc.
Identify the unhealthy coping skill:
Elena and John had been dating for 6 years. Rather than discussing the situation with her support system and/or going to therapy, she holds onto her anger and sadness. Every day after work, Elena goes home and opens a bottle of alcohol, and starts taking shots. Drinking numbs Elena’s anger and sadness temporarily, but the heartbreak remains unresolved.
Substance use
A guide for potential triggers that typically include coping skills, supports, and resources for increased support.
Relapse Prevention Plan
This increases as you continue to drink/use, requiring you to need more of your substance to feel the same high.
Extra 10 points: What is the only substance withdrawal that can be fatal?
True or False: Relapse prevention involves saying no just before you are about to use.
False. Saying "no" is the final and most difficult stage to stop, which is why people relapse.
Riddle: What can travel all around the world without leaving it's corner?
A stamp
What is the definition of complacency in recovery?
A feeling of satisfaction that can lead to dangerous consequences i.e. people who are complacent may become confident in their ability to avoid relapse and may even put themselves in unnecessary situations.