What gas goes into Photosynthesis?
Carbon Dioxide
What is incorrect about this equation about Photosynthesis:
Sugar + Oxygen = Carbon Dioxide + Water
This is not the correct equation, that is Cellular Respiration
What is a major input of Cellular Respiration?
Oxygen or Sugar
What is at the top of the food chain?
Apex Preditor.
This is an example of what relationship?
What gas comes out of Photosynthesis?
What molecule needs to be in abundance for photosynthesis to occur?
Water and/or Carbon Dioxide
What energy source is used to drive Cellular Respiration?
A primary Producer is a...
This is an example of what type of relationship?
What gas is produced by Cellular Respiration?
Carbon Dioxide
The plant creates Sugar, the sugar is used as ______ and __________.
Fruit and Storage
What sugar source do plants use to produce/drive Cellular Respiration?
Glucose in the form of Storage
How much energy does the apex predator get in this example?
What relationship is shown below?
If a plant is in the darkness, what gas will it produce?
Carbon Dioxide
Other places on the Earth have plants producing Photosynthesis.
Which is the bigger process, meaning, produces the most outputs?
Cellular Respiration or Photosynthesis?
Who is the secondary consumer in this example?
If an bird builds a home in the ground, and a snake slithers into the burrow and eats the bird, what type of relationship was created?
Preditor/Prey or Parasitism
What natural molecule is created when a plant is exposed to sunlight?
Plants that are in a desert setting cannot perform Photosynthesis at a maximum during the day. Why is that so?
They will dry out due to the release of water.
Humans cannot produce Oxygen, they produce Carbon Dioxide. We learned that mold, seedlings, and plants during the night produce Carbon Dioxide. Why do they need to do this?
If a primary producer produces 100% of the Sun's energy, what is the amount of total energy an apex predator will receive if it is the 7th consumer?
Can a symbiotic relationship become another relationship?
For example, can a mutualistic become a parasitism?