Method to My Madness
Big Brained
Good Memories
Developing Minds Think Alike
Feeling Nervous

This is the procedure to ensure that the experimental group and control group both represent the population the sample was pulled from.

random assignment


This is the region of the cerebral cortex that involves your personality, judgement, and decision making. (hint: Phineas Gage's got cooked and he lowkey crashed out ong) 

front lobe (prefrontal cortex)


Remembering a holiday dinner from your childhood would be this type of memory.



A four year old gets a large piece of pizza. His brother gets the same size cut into two pieces, and the child complains that he only got one piece. The child is in this stage of Piaget's theory of cognitive development.

preoperational (lack of conservation due to centration)


This is the nervous system that calms you down after a rush of fear or excitement.

parasympathetic nervous system


These are the research methods that might appear on an AAQ.

Experiment, case study, naturalistic observation, correlational study & meta analysis. 


This is the neurological condition that results from damage to the left temporal lobe and impairs communication.

Wernicke's aphasia 


This is when retrieving a memory is only possible when you are in the same place you were in when you encoded the memory. 

context-dependent memory


According to Vygotsky's cognitive development theory, children that are doing work that isn't too easy but is also not too hard would be in this.

Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD)


This are the type of neurons that you use to move your body with your somatic nervous system and motor cortex.

efferent (motor) 


In a psychology experiment researchers studied the "joy of giving" by observing participants' happiness levels after giving and receiving gifts in the holidays and during a random non-holiday time. Participants complete the Kringle Happiness Metric (KHM) after gift exchanges and the results showed giving significantly boosted happiness. In this experiment, what was the operational definition?

Score on the KHM


Name the major functions of each part of the limbic system: hippocampus, amygdala, thalamus, and hypothalamus.

Memory processing, emotional processing (especially fear and aggression), sensory information redirection, and regulation of drives


The forgetting curve demonstrates this memory effect that is the result of distributed practice.

spacing effect


Ecological Systems Theory talks demonstrates how the environment impacts development of the individual. Recall 3 systems and correctly define them.

Microsystem=family, close friends, etc.

Mesosystem=microsystems interacting (teacher knowing parents, boss knowing siblings, etc.)

Exosystem=media, friends of parents, etc.

Macrosystem=broad culture, ideology, values, cultural norms, etc.

Chronosystem=changes to any system over time


Multiple sclerosis is a genetic condition caused by this part of the neuron degrading.

myelin sheath


In a psychology experiment researchers studied the "joy of giving" by observing participants' happiness levels after giving and receiving gifts in the holidays and during a random non-holiday time. Participants complete the Kringle Happiness Metric (KHM) after gift exchanges and the results showed giving significantly boosted happiness. 

In this experiment, what was the independent variable?

Time of year (holidays vs. non-holiday time)


This is the term for the brain's ability to assign functions of a damaged area to an undamaged one and recover lost functions.

brain plasticity


In working memory theory, this is the part of the central executive that would allow you to rehearse auditory information for a time, such as a phone number, to keep it from being forgotten.

phonological loop


When children stop treating objects as if they are alive, they are in this stage of Piaget's cognitive development.

concrete operational (animism is preoperational)


Correctly identify 5 of the 8 following neurotransmitters:

dopamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, glutamate, GABA, endorphins, substance p, or acetylcholine.


serotonin=mood regulation (feeling good/happy)

norepinephrine=releases in response to stress/fear to activate sympathetic nervous system

glutamate= learning and memory

GABA= inhibitor

endorphins=pain relief

substance p=feeling pain

acetylcholine=body movement 


In a psychology experiment researchers studied the "joy of giving" by observing participants' happiness levels after giving and receiving gifts in the holidays and during a random non-holiday time. Participants complete the Kringle Happiness Metric (KHM) after gift exchanges and the results showed giving significantly boosted happiness. 

If this study were replicated for children, what two ethical procedures would be required to ensure consent?

Informed consent (of the parents)

Informed assent (of the children) 


This is the region (and hemisphere) of the brain you would process a burn from grabbing a sheet of holiday cookies out of the oven with your bare right hand.

left parietal lobe


This is the term for the strengthening of synapses that occurs with frequent activation, making the information easier to retrieve. 

long-term potentiation

According to Piaget, children will either assimilate or accommodate new information into these conceptual categories.



This process is inhibited by medications like Prozac, an SSRI, which results in a flood of serotonin in the synapse. 

