Things used to provoke nationalism in Americans
What is propaganda?
The strike where hundreds of thousands of steel workers went on strike
What is the Great Steel Strike of 1919?
Purchased to fund the government for the war, and give money back to the buyer later on
What are liberty bonds?
The name of the period of unrest from 1919-1920
What is the Red Summer
These rounded up mass crowds of men suspected of evading military registration
What are slacker raids?
A strand of sickness soldiers had brought back home, causing a pandemic
What is the Spanish Flu?
Boards formed by industrial employers, the government, and labor unions to prevent protest from workers in the US by improving working conditions
What were War Labor Boards?
The most-used tactic to sell liberty bonds
What is propaganda?
The group that faced the most suspicion and discrimination during the Red Scare
What are immigrants?
The investigative journalist heading the CPI
Who is George Creel?
Many soldiers didn't have a place to go due to this
What is demobilization
Bilingual women who worked as telephone switchboard operators during WWI to improve communication between Allied Powers in the West
Who were "Hello Girls"?
Two main things contributing to increased funding for armed forces
What are liberty bonds and taxes?
The world event that sparked fear over communist infiltration in America
What is the Russian Revolution?
He was infamously charged under the espionage act
Who was Charles Schenck?
The main foods reserved for soldiers
What are Wheat, Sugar, Meat, and fats?
Industrial employers, the government, and labor unions joined to form these because they wanted to prevent the spread of Bolshevism
What were Labor Boards
The name of the system enacted by the US government to control the trains
What is the United States Railroad Administration (USRA)?
The state where 100 men were arrested and held without access to lawyers during the Palmer Raids
What is Connecticut?
A government established organization to spread positive war news and propaganda
What was the CPI?
Due to this many people were left in a panic as to what to do and how to survive
What is the economic spike?
A race riot, caused when a white woman claimed that a black shoeshine assaulted her, resulting in casualties and injuries
What is the Tulsa Massacre
Rough percentage of war funding that came from liberty bonds
What is 63%
The year President Wilson established the National War Labor Board
What is 1918?
Countries aided by the selective service act
What were France, Britain, Russia, and Italy?