Name and spell the place that Gabi is moving to
What is Colombia (C-O-L-O-M-B-I-A)?
Double Jeopardy:
The person who got the best time on the sprint in our class
Who is Sophia?
Name our art teacher
Who is Mrs. Chung?
Only the OG's remember
What is Thurmund on a Teams call?
The biggest animal on Earth
What is the blue whale?
Where Taehyun is leaving to
What is South Korea?
The teacher who monitored the long throw
Who is Ms Kac?
The PE teachers for 7/5 and 7/6
Who are Coach Guillermo and Coach Jack?
What is Man?
The year WW2 ended
When is 1945?
The place Alex and Autumn are moving to
What is the USA?
The game that we played twice
What is the Animal Game?
This teacher wore a wig during a presentation
Who is Mrs. Gauthier?
Yummy Yummy
What is Haribo?
The person who painted the Mona Lisa
Who is Leonardo Da Vinci?
The place that Chloe is moving to
What is Switzerland? or What is nowhere?
The person who jumped the highest and how high did they jump
Who is Taehyun and 1.45 meters
Double Jeopardy:
This teacher has told us to "shut up" (many times)
Who is Mr. Pitchford?
Like the
Who is Flash?
He on the periodic table stands for...
What is Helium?
The people who are leaving this year
Who are Taehyun, Gabi, Alex, Autumn and Chloe?
The person who threw the farthest and how far
Who is Luca and 39.5 meters?
Name all of the french teachers
Who are Mme Battistel, Mme Farcy, Mme Loyez, Mme Roussel, Mme Trouvé?
When the Impostor is
What is Sus?
The number of bones a shark has
What is none?