Trauma 101
Effects of Trauma
Trauma Recovery

What is the definition of "traumatic?"

Something that is extremely upsetting or outside of our capacity to tolerate, or something that causes great harm or damage to the mind or body.


Experiencing trauma creates a lack of?

Control, Predictability, safety, sense of control


What are some ways people often cope with trauma or stressful events?

Isolating, avoidance, risky behavior, anger, using substances, doing things to try to feel something, thrill seeking, overworking

How do trauma and substance use relate?

Substance use can often be used to access OR to numb or escape from feelings or memories; to get through the day; to tolerate emotional pain of PTSD; because we grew up with substance abuse in the family. 

Substance use can also increase our chance of experiencing trauma by putting us in a high risk environment. 


Do I need to get clean from substances before I can work on my trauma?

NO: The two disorders can be treated at the same time.


What is the difference between trauma and PTSD?

The primary difference between trauma and PTSD is the not in the severity of the event or trauma but the severity and length of the symptoms.


What is an emotional reaction to trauma?

Nervousness, Anger, Sadness, Helplessness, Numbing, Fear, Shame, Guilt


What are some helpful ways people can cope with trauma?

Connecting with others

Moving your body 

Telling your story (how and when you choose)

Re-learning what safety feels like

Planning your future

Reclaiming who you are


True or False: Abusing substances makes PTSD symptoms worse.

TRUE: Substances can make you feel more depressed, more suicidal, and less stable. Even when substances appear to solve trauma symptoms in the short term, in the long run it doesn't help.

Do I need to talk about my trauma in detail in order to heal?

No. While some people find it helpful to discuss their traumas, others process and recover by developing strategies to manage uncomfortable emotions and telling their story when they are ready.


What are symptoms of Trauma/PTSD?

-Fear and anxiety

-Re-experiencing the trauma (flashbacks)

-Feeling watchful, jumpy, guarded, or always on edge (hypervigilance)

-Pushing away thoughts of the trauma, or staying away from people and places that would be reminders (avoidance)

-Anger and irritability

-Feelings of guilt and shame

-Thoughts of suicide or hopelessness

-Losing trust in people or the world

-Having a negative perspective on yourself, or believing you deserved bad things to happen to you

-Increase of substance use  


What are two physical reactions to experiencing trauma?

Headaches, chills, shaking, racing heartrate, sweating, stomachache, can't sleep


What is grounding and how is it helpful in dealing with trauma?

Grounding is a therapeutic technique that involves doing activities that “ground” or reconnect you to the earth, the present moment, or your body.


True or False: Abusing substances keep you in control.

FALSE: One of the most difficult aspects of trauma is that you had no control over the trauma. Although using substances can feel like a way of regaining control, the very nature of substance use is that it also takes away your control.


Is it normal for my symptoms to get worse before they get better?

Yes. It is entirely normal to experience an increase in uncomfortable feelings in the beginning. Hang in there, and remember, feelings always pass- even the hardest ones.


What types of traumatic events result in PTSD?

Many types of experiences: 

-Natural disasters, loss of relationships, death of a loved one, near-death experiences, witnessing violence

-Phsyical, emotional, and sexual abuse, and neglect

-Could be Simple (one-time) or Complex (on-going)


Which 3 parts of the brain are involved in a trauma response?

Amygdala (fight/flight/freeze)

Hippocampus (memory and learning)

Pre-frontal Cortex (decision-making)


Does everyone benefit from the same kinds of coping skills?

No. What works for someone else might not always work for you. The key is to keep on trying while you find the right ones.


True or False: Substance use can help you get your needs met. 

FALSE: You may be using substances to feel loved, to accept yourself, to feel less pain, or to feel nurtured. However, substances cannot give you these. You need to learn safe coping methods to gratify these very important needs.


What is Post-Traumatic Growth?

Post-traumatic growth is a positive psychological change experienced as a result of adversity and other challenges in order to rise to a higher level of functioning and resilience.


What are the names of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's kids?

North, Saint, Chicago, Psalm


What is a haboob?

A type of sandstorm


What celebrity holds the most followers on Instagram?

Cristiano Ronaldo


How many noses does a slug have?


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