Who saved the woman falling from the sky?
Where did Wendat live?
Corn, Beans, and Squash
What are the three sisters?
Hides and Furs
What was used to make clothing
A system which follows ancestry through the women
What does Matrilineal mean?
Because of European diseases and fighting with other nations.
Why did the Wendat numbers fall?
How long were longhouses?
For traveling in snowy conditions
What were snowshoes, toboggans, and sleighs used for?
Before Europeans brought thread
When was moosehair used?
There was one fluent speaker
How many fluent speakers were there in 2009?
The three worlds
what are dream, dead, and material?
Up to six
How many families could live in a longhouse?
Hunting and trading
Why might people have traveled?
These were used in making tools
What were bone, wood , and stone used for?
Someone who was not in your clan or your mothers clan
Who could you marry?
What is the French word Huron is based on?
This was done for ease of travel
Why were villages placed near water?
A canoe could hold ______.
What could hold 4-5 men and 91kg of cargo?
A weir
What acted as a fly trap for fish?
These are five of the eight clans
What are Bear, Deer, Turtle, Beaver, Wolf, Loon/Sturgeon/Porcupine, Hawk, or Fox/Snake