When performing Job Correction, this can be corrected anytime if the requisition is still open and will be determined by the supervisory organization (Sup Org)?
What is Hiring Manager Name?
is the equivalent of "On hold"
What is FREEZE?
This template should always be used to provide a consistent posting format for all regions.
What is Job Description Template?
Is the equivalent of Cancel Requisition on Taleo
What is Closing a req?
Should no longer be created solely for sourcing purposes
What is Evergreen Requisitions?
It is a requisition with multiple positions with the same attributes.
What is a Multi-headed Requisition?
This policy describes the global guidelines for the posting of open positions
What is Global job posting policy?
Is the job description that auto-populates based on the job profile and should not be edited?
What is Job Description Summary
Pre-post: It can be corrected before posting the requisition. Post-post: It can be edited only if the final location you are attempting to correct was included as an additional location in the job requisition during posting or if it’s linked to a cross-country evergreen.
What is Primary Location field?
Automatically loaded in based on the country/market of job requisition (pulled directly from primary location)
What are Primary Questionnaires?