This respectful action is done before entering a holy place.
What is taking off your shoes?
This king danced before the Lord as a display of reverence.
Who is David?
This analogy was used to describe seeking love in the wrong places. (HINT: Daija)
What is the imitation crab story?
Reverence in worship means displaying the right ___.
What is posture?
God often speaks through these four ways.
What are our spirit, thoughts, feelings, and His Word?
In many cultures, this group of people is given priority when eating.
Who are elders?
David was known as this because of his devotion to God.
What is “a man after God’s own heart”?
If you read the Bible like it's just a book, you rob it of this.
What is its power to change your life?
This action is a biblical sign of humility before God.
What is bowing?
When we humble ourselves before God, He can ___.
What is work in our lives?
This is a sign of respect when entering someone's home.
What is greeting everyone?
This book in the Bible talks about Abraham’s test of faith.
What is Genesis?
When listening to a sermon, we should tune into ____, not just the preacher.
What is heaven?
David was known for this because of his deep reverence and worship.
What is being a man after God’s own heart?
This position is a powerful expression of humility before God.
What is bowing or prostration?
Reverence means having deep respect for someone or something. Another word for this is ___.
What is honor?
Reverence is displayed through these four things.
What are devotion, trust, worship, and humility?
We should be on the edge of our seat to do this.
What is hear God?
David showed reverence by doing this before the Lord.
What is dancing?
Some people show more reverence for this than for God.
What is themselves and other people?
Reverence can be shown in both posture and ___.
What are actions?
This passage tells the story of David’s worship and reverence through dance.
What is 2 Samuel 6:14-22?
This is why we shouldn’t say we can’t receive from certain preachers.
What is God can speak through anyone?
Worship is not just about singing, but also about this.
What is showing reverence through actions?
To truly obey God, we must believe these three things about Him.
What is that He is good, He wants the best for us, and He loves us?