These are the first two people created by God.
Who are Adam and Eve
Jesus said, If you have faith the size of a _______, you can say to this Mountain, move from here to there?
What is a mustard seed.
David used this to kill Goliath.
What is a slingshot and a stone.
TRUE or FALSE- Sanctification is based on what you eat.
What is False.
You are this, when you give your life to Christ. Born____.
What is Born Again.
God revealed Himself to this man in a burning bush.
Who is Moses.
Fill in the blank, "without faith, it is impossible to ____ God"?
What is please God.
After the flood on the earth, Noah saw this symbol as a promise from God.
What is a rainbow.
TRUE or FALSE- Sanctification is not a one time experience.
What is true.
This is what believers use/ do to communicate with God.
What is Prayer.
They brought Jesus before this Roman governor for him to be condemned. His name was Pontius____.
Who is Pontius Pilate.
This is the faith that leads to Salvation.
What is Saving Faith.
God sent this many plagues to Egypt before Pharoah released Israel from slavery.
What are 10 plagues.
Sanctification is not based on______ appearance.
What is outward.
This is a study that talks about reading and being directed by Divine Instructions and commands, so that a believer's life can be built up.
What is the Word of God (study).
He is the biological father of David the King of Israel.
Who is Jesse.
These are the FIVE areas we must apply faith in our Christian service.
What are: Prayer; Preaching; Giving; Evangelism; and Loving Others.
What does John 3:16 say?
What is/ It reads... “For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life."
TRUE or FALSE- Sanctification comes before Salvation.
What is False.
This is the concept (and study) of believing what God tells you and acting on it.
What is faith (study of faith).
Who outran Peter to the Tomb of Jesus?
Who is John.
This Bible verse explains to us that- We acquire faith by reading or hearing the Word of God.
What is the verse- Romans 10:17.
With God, you must ____ before you see.
What is Believe.
Name a way a believer can be defiled.
What is/ what would be...
1. Through the issues of the heart (Jeremiah17:9-10; Mathew 15:19-20)
2. Through sexual sin (1 Corinthians 6:18-20)
3. Through foolish talks and jesting (Proverbs 26:18-19; Ephesians 5:3-4)
4. Through bitterness and strife (Hebrews 12:15)
5. Through careless use of the tongue (Colossians 4:6.
You can be transformed by the renewing of your mind by this.
By the Word of God
or by Sanctification.