Medical Abbreviations
Parts of a car
Banned Toys
Human Body

Very common in individuals within the United States, hypertension is caused by a high BP, also known as this 

Blood Pressure 

This device at the front of the car is used to remove rain and snow or any type of debris from the front window. This is a necessary part of almost all motor vehicles. 

Windshield Wiper 


This animal is the mascot for the Hollywood film studio MGM, an American media company that produces and distributes feature films and TV programs. It's known for its loud roar before a movie is shown. 

Leo the Lion 


Released in 1996, they made a snack-time version of this doll just in time for the Christmas season. The idea was that children would be able to feed the doll pretend food. The only problem is the doll had jaws that were powerful, that children would get their fingers caught. By 1997, it was recalled and offered a refund. 

Cabbage patch kid 


Consisting of 22 bones, this is considered the bone structure of the head, that helps protect the face and brain. 



A individual with a sinus condition or needing sinus surgery would go to an ENT doctor, also known as this? 

Ear nose and throat doctor 


This car's system is used to stop or slow a vehicle or prevent it from moving when stopped or parked. Parts of this includes the pad and rotor.  



NASA's safety mascot since 1968 is part of the Peanuts gallery. Every astronaut has to wear a pin when they go into space and upon their return, the pins are given as special token of recognition to the people who work to keep it safe. 


These became extremely popular in the summer of 2017 and was claimed to be a good stress reliever for those suffering from autism, ADHD or anxiety. Some kids found a way to pop the metal out of the toy, which then posed as a choking hazard or swallowing issues. These toys contained high levels of lead which lead to Target starting to pull the products from shelves by November 2017

Fidget Spinners 


This part of the body is considered the fastest muscle a human can have due to a specific action that can last 100-150 milliseconds. Did you know that we do this more when talking and less when you are reading. There's a popular phrase that comes from it when something happens really quick. "Blink of an eye" 

The Eye 


This is specific instruction written by a medical practitioner that authorizes a patient to be provided a type of medicine. Usually written as RX, an individual receives this before picking up the actual medicine. 



This gearing device of a vehicle that provides variable ratios between the engine output and the differential input. There are two types of these: automatic and manual. 



Geico has featured several well-known mascots over the past 86 years. They are heavily known for three particular ones. What are they? 

The Gecko

The caveman 

Geico Piggy: 


In 1963 Kenner introduced a toy that allowed a child to learn how to be in a kitchen. In 2006, Hasbro received complains that children were getting their hands stuck, and even complaints of second and third degree burns. They eventually recalled the device to change the mode. 

Easy Bake Oven 


This is considered the largest organ of our body, accounting for about 15 percent of our body weight. It keeps everything on the inside from coming out but also keeps us at the right temperature. It helps us with touch and sensation and allows us to move without restrictions. What part of the body am i ?

The Skin 


TB, is considered a contagious infection caused by bacteria that mainly affects the lungs but can also affect any other organ including bone, brain and spine. 



This is part of the car's exhaust system, it is responsible for keeping the car quiet while you drive around. Sometimes you may see it hanging out the back of your car. 



Noid was a bunny suited antihero that appeared in these commercials in the 80s using antics like ice-shooting machines to try to prevent delivery of hot pizza. As of 2021, this company is bringing this mascot back to its brand. What brand is it? 



A simple but effective toy were all the rage in school playgrunds in the 90s. The concept was simple and involved part of your hand. The material was made of metal coated fabric but some cheaper knockoffs used poor quality. One girl cut her fingers, which caused several schools to ban them. It got so bad that kids were using it on each others necks as well as their wrists. 

Slap Bracelets 


The wrist bones in your body may have numbness or tingling caused by a pinched nerve, which then affects the whole hand. Women are typically more likely to develop this condition. In most patients, this syndrome gets worst over time.

Carpal Tunnel 


HGB is a red protein that is responsible for transporting oxygen in the blood of vertebrates. It also carries carbon dioxide through the blood. 



Located underneath the hood and next to the engine as its sole responsibility is to cool the engine down and prevent it from overheating. It needs coolant in order to work and flow throughout the vehicle. 



Hector was a chef born in 1898, as he was a real chef that created the dishes offered to this brand. He eventually sold his company to American home Foods that featured canned specialties especially Italian cuisine. 

Chef Boyardee 


Although they have looked cool in the movies, especially this specific one (Back to the future), their time in the spotlight a few years ago was extremely short lived. By itself it looks dangerous and showed as a risk for kids to hurt themselves by falling off. They were prone to overheating due to its battery, which posed a fire risk and reports of them exploding. 



This spongy organ fills the center of various bones of the body. The main function of this organ is to produce red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. Without this, you couldn't move oxygen through your body or fight infections. 

Bone Marrow 
