How many concerts did we have?
What is the biggest section in our band?
What song did we march to in the parade?
"Do not touch the ______ instruments".
Which of these instruments requires a reed to play it: Cello, Piano, Oboe, or Bagpipes
Who was our "Grumpy Elf" at the Christmas concert?
Ms. Becker
What is the smallest section in our band
Tuba or Flutes
How often was everyone suppose to have a lesson?
Every other week
"______ you're too loud" (2 answers allowed)
Trumpets or Percussion
What is the name of the band that plays at sporting events?
Pep Band
What section was featured in our last concert? (Name of instrument in the song name)
What is the marching percussion instrument that has 4 drums on it?
Tenor drums or Quad drums
"I can't hear enough ________" (2 answers allowed)
Saxophones or Low Brass
Gliss or Glissando
How many band students are also in choir? (at the end of this year)
What is the name of the percussion instrument that can be tuned?
What two low note instruments did we gain in band this year?
Tuba and Bass Clarinet
Which Christmas song continues to get more and more views every year?
All I Want for Christmas is You by Mariah Carey
Name a song, this year, where you played a part of your body instead of your instrument?
African Folk Trilogy (stomp), Trumpets with Attitude (clap), Diary of a Grumpy Elf (whistle).
What instrument did Mr. Unruh play in middle school band?
Alto Saxophone
What is the name of the Unruh's baby born this year?
Name one of the two instruments Mr. Unruh says he can't play.
Flute or Tuba
What is the only instrument that can play all their notes with one hand?