What is an example of a salicylates? What are the contraindications?
GI bleed, other bleeding disorders, liver failure.
What does NSAID stand for? Give an example
Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Ex: ibuprofen
What should the nurse watch for in a pt taking opioids?
Depressed respirations and level of consciousness
What is an example of an opioid antagonist? What are the contraindications?
opioid dependency, cardiovascular risk
What is an example of a local anesthetic? What are the contraindications?
Hx or family hx of malignant hyperthermia
How do salicylates work?
Prolongs bleeding by inhibiting aggregation (clumping of platelets)
Common adverse reactions to ibuprofen
GI bleed/peptic ulcers
N/V; reflux; anorexia
What are general AR of opioids?
Respiratory depression, sedation, constipation
How do opioid antagonists work?
Binds to opioid receptors to reverse the effects of opioids.
How do they work?
prevents the conduction of nerve impulses blocking pain at the site
What is an example of a non-salicylate? What are the contraindications?
liver failure
True or false: NSAIDs should be taken with food
What is the action of opioids?
Blocks opioid receptors in the CNS
Common adverse reactions
tachycardia, HTN, N/V, diaphoresis, agitation, return of pain
Common adverse reactions
What is the max daily dose of acetaminophen (in grams)
2-4 grams
Adverse reactions to celecoxib
HTN, headaches
Contraindications for opioids?
COPD, asthma, seizure disorders
What is naloxone typically used for?
postoperative acute respiratory depression, opioid adverse effects, suspected acute opioid overdosage
True or false:
pt will be NPO until the gag reflex returns
What is the antidote to and acetaminophen overdose?
Contraindications of NSAIDs
GI bleed or PUD, bleeding disorders, pregnancy, renal dysfunction
Pt. teaching for opioids
fall risk, constipation, opioid dependence, pre-medicate 1-2 hours before activities, DO NOT DRIVE