Customer Information
Balance Transfers

Where in Orion can you see if a CM is eligible for a lower purchase APR?

In the botton portion in orion the "Recommendations Box"


Where can you locate a Pay In Full quote in orion?

F1- Accounts Tab - Payments box.

*in the bottom right corner of the payments box tp the right of the "payments" button


What must you confirm after changing and CMs address?

Their phone number


If the authorization amount in ACTION is shown in parenthesis, what does that mean?

EX: ($130.00)

That it is a payment/credit/refund


Where do we go to see if a CM has an eligible BT offer?

F6 BT -- Offers

From which tab in Orion can you adjust a late fee?

F3- Statements tab


In which circumstance can you not update the CMs payment due date?

During the accounts anniversary month


Steps to add an AU/Authorized User.

F2, Add Authorized User, Full Name, DOB, Full SSN, address, save, submit. 


What's an example of a statements call that you will transfer to ACT

  • Forced authorizations
  • Sending statement(s)
  • Statements/transaction review relating to APR inquiries

How many days do we require an account to be open before we start processing a BT?

14 days. 


How many adjustments are allowed in a 12-month rolling period? 

Maximum of 3 per account.


After what time will you not see a processing payment in Orion?

After 5:00pm EST


Which screen in Orion displays the "Get new address flag"

F1-Accounts, Page two

How do I find charges made after the cycle date? In Orion AND Action.  

Orion: F3 Statements, Post Statement Summary
Action: Statements & Transactions, Post Statement. 


Most BTs are process within how many days? 

4 days.


Name two acceptable override reasons

  • One Day Late – Payment posted/ will post ONE DAY AFTER DUE DATE.
    • Supervisors/ CEG – Choose “Clerical” as the override reason code until applicable reason code is added into the system.
  • Past Due w/ Pending Payment - Past Due Status is ONLY reason for reinstate decline and pending payment will change status to normal
    • Example:  System not allowing reinstate because past due, but customer made payment (online/ pay by phone) same day as call to bring account current.
  • Discover Card Error as outlined within the Error Resolution Procedure.
    • All applicable fees/ interest charges caused by the error must be corrected.
  • Disaster Benefits Activated as described within the Disaster Procedure.
    • All applicable fees/ interest charges caused by the disaster should be corrected.
  • Dispute Case Not Opened/ Customer Worked Directly with Merchant – The Billing Dispute Inquiries-Frontline Agent Procedures explains when adjustment/ override is permitted.
  • Qualifying Extenuating Circumstance (customer/ family member experienced the below which impacted the customer's ability to pay on time):
    • The following temporary financial hardship or life events:
      • Job loss
      • Short term disability
      • Hospitalization/severe illness
      • Medical expenses
      • Family death
      • Divorce
      • Personal catastrophic event caused destruction to house, land, premises, business, e.g., fire, localized flooding, etc.
    • Pay in full (or statement balance in full) received late
    • Customer’s bank caused late payment
    • Non-receipt of statement (includes non-receipt of email reminder on paperless statements)
    • Travel/ Moving
    • DirectPay withdrawal date/ amount confusion
    • Discover system issue impacted customer’s ability to make payment
    • Payment due date change caused confusion
    • Customer expected credit to apply towards minimum payment
    • Delinquency due to clerical error (customer made attempt to pay by due date but failed due to clerical error)  
      • Customer misread the min pay due, e.g., $268 due but sent $263. 
      • Customer transposed numbers, e.g., $353.00 due but customer sent $335.00.
      • Customer attempted to pay online but failed to click Submit (you can confirm last login on Insight if needed)
      • Customer attempted to pay by phone (IVR or with agent) but hung-up before the payment was submitted.

Approximately how long does it take for fund to be pulled from the CMs bank account?

It can take up to two business days


Name 2 examples of a name change that does NOT require legal documentation.

Marriage, Divorce, Misspelling, Add/Remove Middle Name.


In what 2 scenarios do we NOT send any statement at all? 

$0 balance.

Balance of $2.00 or less. 


CM has a BT that posted to their Discover card, and they want to know when the funds will be received. What we do? 

Advise the customer to check with their creditor to see when payment is received.


What do you include in a Queue for an adjustment override?

Date/amount of fee.
Acceptable override reason. 


If a CM has DP set up for a FIXED amount. What happens if they make an additional payment 3 days before the DP pulls? 

No change. Both payments will process. 


Where does a customer MAIL their documentation for a legal name change? 

PO Box 30943 Salt Lake City, UT 84130


What 4 options do we offer CM's for viewing/receiving their statement? 

1. Mail

2. Online

3. Braille

4. Large Print

CM wants to do a BT but there is no eligible offer available. What do we tell the CM? 

We apologize, inform CM that BTs are promo offers, and advise them to check back for available offers by logging in online or calling us back. 
