What caused people in America, Germany, and France to want to live life to the fullest?
After all the loss during WWI, people wanted to find happiness.
What was the purpose of Americans buying stocks "on margin?"
To make larger profits off investments.
What was the relationship between America and alcohol leading up to the early 1920s?
Which household appliance helped power companies expand their business?
The refrigerator did this by increasing the demand of electricity.
Social security act
helped struggling elderly people gain financial security
What forms of entertainment led to people in the U.S. becoming celebrities?
What caused the stock market crash of 1929?
The downfall of stocks, overproduction, bank failure, and tariffs
Why were the American Temperance Society and the Women's Christian Temperance Union founded?
They were founded to fight against the negative effects of alcohol.
How did refrigerator companies make their products accessible to the average American?
They offered installment plans to aid the financial blow.
Glass Steagall Act
also known as the banking act
Which athlete helped make baseball the most popular sport of the 1920s?
Babe Ruth made baseball popular.
What led to overproduction in the U.S.?
Advances in industrial technology
How did speakeasies contribute to the amount of organized crime during Prohibition?
There was a high demand for alcohol and people sold illegal alcohol.
How did the increase in household products impact women who were homemakers?
It made their tasks easier and gave them more time to do other things.
National recovery administration
injected money into local economies to help support local businesses
Who were the two most famous artists of the 1920s and 1930s?
The two most famous artists were Pablo Picasso and Georgia O'neeffe.
How did the U.S Implement protectionism in its trade with other countries?
They increased their tariffs.
What was made illegal with the passing of the 18th Amendment?
Selling or consuming alcohol was made illegal
What caused the demand for products to fall throughout the 1920s
Overproduction and demand of products began to fail.
Public works administration
improved access to education and healthcare for many communities
What happened because of property values severely decreasing?
Homeowners faced foreclosure.
What are two reasons congress repealed Prohibition through the 21st Amendment?
Due to economic hardship, public disapproval, and increased crime rate.
How did higher tariffs on exported goods affect the U.S. government's relationships with other countries?
Other countries raised their tariffs and the U.S. economy was affected.
Securities exchange act
created regulations that helped investors feel safe investing their money again