You can't touch me nor see me, but I always pull you, keeping you heavy. When I am gone you will always float. What am I?
Free Points!!!!!!!
100 free ponits
What runs, but can not walk?
What is a reaction?
a reaction of an action
How many dogs do I have? Including past dogs
There was a plane crash and every single person died. Who survived?
Married couple
What is a example of Newton's third Law
A book lying on a table
Lighter than air, I float away, with one mans touch I shall decay. What am I?
Whats a force?
A push or pull that acts on a motion
How many times have I broken a bone?
Timmy's mother had 3 children, April, May, and who else?
What is Newton's Third Law of Motion?
For every action there is a equal and opposite reaction
What has 88 keys?
What is the definition of friction?
Force that opposes motion between two surfaces that are in contact with one another.
What kills you inside the more you keep it and sets you free the moment you release it?
One side up because there is nothing there, the other side is down cuz lead was placed here. Then I lead the other now everything is fair. What am I?
Newton's third Law have mass? True or false?
What has 13 hearts?
A deck of playing cards
What do you call a dirty age?
What was one of my grandma's dogs name?
MT_WTF_S, what's missing?Why?
W and S, the days of the week
Newton's Third Law has a action?
A dice
What is mass?
Anything that has weight and shape has mass. In fact, mass is the quality that gives things weight anywhere there's gravity
You answer me, yet I never ask you a question. What am I?
A Phone