the period from 1890-1920.
what is progressive era
to be coated thinly in gold
what is gilded
a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force
what is imperiallism
WWI veterans returning home have difficulty finding work A lot of people wanted to return to traditional ways Saw increased inflation
what were post-war issues
The Stock Market Crash of 1929 occurred on October 29, 1929, when billions of dollars were lost on the New York Stock Exchange. America and the rest of the industrialized world spiraled downward into the deepest and longest-lasting economic downturn in the history of the Western industrialized world up to that time.
what was black Tuesday
journalists who practiced what today is called "investigative journalism" in order to spotlight corruption corruption in society.
what is muckrackers
A federal land grant that allowed citizens who were 21 and the head of their family to claim 160 acres of land in the west as long as they established a homestead and improved the land
what is the homstead act of 1862
Increasing involvement in world affairs while trying to promote the national interest of and expanding the territory of the United States (Intervention)
what is expansionism
“America First”, “Return to Normalcy” ,Wanted to return to Pre-WWI America Return of Laissez-Faire Economics, No government intervention in the economy, including Big Business, Reduced taxes, Led to increased consumerism and luxurious lifestyles
what is the harding administration
Civil Works Administration
what does CVA stand for
wrote a book describing the conditions in the meatpacking industry.
who is Upton Sinclai
When gold was discovered in Alaska, many prospects travelled through Washington to Alaska
Klondike gold rush
a U.S. Naval captain, wrote "The influence of Sea Power Upon History"
who was Alfred Thayer Mahan
By 1920s, it is the most sensational government scandal in U.S. history. People in Harding’s Cabinet took payments or bribes from private companies in order to lease lands containing oil reserves at Teapot Dome.
what was the Teapot Dome Scandal
Years of sustained drought caused the land to dry up .Many farmers misused the land by generally over planting and not rotating crops which depleted the topsoil
Millions of acres of farmland became useless which led to increase poverty levels and inflated food prices. Great clouds of dust and sand were carried by the wind, hence the name “Dust Bowl”.
Hundreds of thousands migrated from the midwest, many to California
what are the cause and effects of the dust bowl
leaader of the womans suffrage movement.
Who is Susan B. Anthony.
Reservations were broken up and distributed to individual families, while surplus was given to white settlers, in an effort to assimilate to the American lifestyle.
What is the dawes act of 1884
worked to expand the power of the U.S. by helping them acquire Hawaii through annexation. He became the president of Hawaii after Queen Liliuokalani was disposed of and became governor after annexation
who is Sanford Dole
“Coolidge Prosperity”, Low taxes, Balanced Budget, Robust economy, Americanization/Assimilation, Established Indian Boarding Schools, Focused on Americanizing Native American children, American Indian Citizenship Act of 1924, All Native Americans born in the U.S. were granted citizenship
what is the coolidge administration
Created the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Authorized loans to large businesses that suffered losses Tried creating new jobs out of public works projects Hoover Dam Hoovervilles Shanty towns created by the homeless throughout the United States Blamed President Hoover for the Great Depression
what was the hoover administration
in 1913, congress amended the U.S. constitution. Senators were now to be chosen by a direct election of the people of state, not by the state goverments.
What is the 17th amendment
The desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.
What is Philanthropy
Cuba is liberated from Spanish control and the U.S. can intervene to protect Cuba’s right to “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness”
what is effects of spanish-american war
Russian Revolution started as a worker Revolt, Americans associated labor strike to Communism. People feared that communists wanted to overthrow the U.S. Government
what was the red scare
Intended to provide relief, reform, and recovery Created worker programs Reformed banking and business practices Instituted new government programs Promoted economic recovery Opponents argued it over regulated business and restricted individual freedoms The Share Our Wealth Plan by Louisiana Senator Huey Long argued for the redistribution of wealth California doctor, Francis Townsend, argued for a pension plan that required those receiving payments to spend the money Set the stage for the Social Security Act
what was the new deal